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Merging Google

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How to Sync Facebook, Google+ and Twitter - New Media, Digital Media, Social Media Marketing, Strategy &Jobs. Google+, Twitter, and Facebook…they are a pain to deal with because you have to go to three places. Let’s say you want to tell everyone in your circles, all your followers, and your friends that your child just was just accepted to an Ivy League College, that you created a new YouTube video that they would want to see, or maybe that you just want to tell them your thoughts on the game, but you are as lazy as I am and can’t be bothered to update three things. What are us lazy-folk to do??? So lets talk about the goal: be able to update one thing and have it update everything.

Now we might not want to always update Google+ and Twitter he same way, but we would like to be able to update them both (along with Facebook) if we so desire, so the goal is for us to be able update Google+ and have it appear on Twitter and Facebook . As of now, I haven’t found a good way to update Google+ from Twitter or Facebook, but I find that irrelevant. Update Twitter from Facebook Great! Great! The Data Liberation Front. Google Plus Is Outpacing Twitter. Way to merge Google Play accounts? Do You Maintain Multiple Google Accounts ? Solve That Headache of Logging In and Out. A Google Account gives you access to all Google goodies including AdSense, Analytics, Blogger, iGoogle, Gmail, Google Groups, Picasa, Web History, Google AdWords, Google Checkout and more.

But you can run into problems if you have opened more than one account. Life can get complicated if you operate more than one Google Account and have associated different Google services with different accounts. For instance I have two Google Accounts – one is associated with Google Analytics, AdSense and Blogger while my second Google Account is connected to Gmail, Google Docs, Calendar and Orkut. Now that’s a problem because each time I open Google Docs or Gmail, I have to log out from Blogger or Google Analytics because they have separate login credentials. This is so tiring and unfortunately Google won’t let you to merge two separate Google accounts.

If you are also in a similar situation as me, there’s something you can do to reduce your login-logoff cycles: Google+ gives users a tool to merge multiple accounts | Internet & Media. Google has come up with a way to merge users' Google Plus accounts, so that all circles and circle information can now be in just one account. The Web giant announced today the launch of the "Google+ circles transfer tool" via Google Takeout.

The tool works by moving users' Google+ circles and connections from what it calls a "source" account to a "destination" account. Once users' accounts are merged with this tool, people in their circles will only see the "destination" profiles. This is most likely welcome news to those users that have more than one account associated with different email addresses or Google Apps accounts. The tool unites all circle names, members, and settings, along with the people and pages users have blocked or ignored. Here's what Google+ product manager Ronald Ho wrote in a blog post: There are some limitations to get the transfer started, including a seven-day waiting period before the transfer begins and the ability to use the tool only once every six months.