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Aaron Swartz, Internet Activist, Dies at 26. Why MongoDB Never Worked Out at Etsy. In 2010ish, we tried to roll out a feature (Treasury) using MongoDB.

Why MongoDB Never Worked Out at Etsy

It was an interesting experience. I learned quite a bit in the process. I wrote about what I was thinking at the time here. But for the most part it was an abject failure and Ryan Young wound up porting the entire thing to the MySQL shards which had come to maturity in the meantime. Before you get too excited, the reason for the failure is probably not any of the ones you're imagining. Bitcoin Central Licensed as Bank. Defining A Growth Hacker: Growth Is Not A Marketing Strategy. In this series titled “Defining a growth hacker,” I will be exploring the meaning and practical application of growth hacking through a number of interviews with prominent growth hackers.

Defining A Growth Hacker: Growth Is Not A Marketing Strategy

This is the third post of the series on product. Minnesota clarifies: Free online ed is OK - College, Inc. Posted at 06:18 PM ET, 10/19/2012 Oct 19, 2012 10:18 PM EDT.

Minnesota clarifies: Free online ed is OK - College, Inc.

French Music Startup Deezer Gets $130M Fourth Round, Led By Warner Music Group’s Owner Access Industries. In France, it is the biggest startup funding round ever.

French Music Startup Deezer Gets $130M Fourth Round, Led By Warner Music Group’s Owner Access Industries

Warner Music Group’s owner Access Industries and previous investor Idinvest are investing €100 million ($130 Million) into music streaming startup Deezer. €25 million ($32.6 million) will be used to buy out previous shares. Orange previously had 11 percent of the company and toyed with the idea of an acquisition. As it is not reinvesting, this plan seems to have ended. Back in February, the company was already looking for a potential investor to stay relevant in the music streaming space. Top 10 dot-com flops -

Join the Movement - Pearltrees Comes To The iPhone, Goes Beyond Bookmarking And Adds Photos, Notes, Offline Mode. Few startups make it through a year without a pivot or two these days.

Pearltrees Comes To The iPhone, Goes Beyond Bookmarking And Adds Photos, Notes, Offline Mode

That really can’t be said about social bookmarking service Pearltrees, however. The company has stuck pretty closely to its roadmap ever since its launch in 2009. After launching on the web, Peartrees is now available on the iPad and, starting today, on the iPhone. Ever since its launch, the company wanted to provide its users with a library of what they discover online and create a community of people based on their common interests. Until now, that mostly meant sharing bookmarks, but the new iPhone app significantly broadens this concept to also include photos and short notes.

While the company obviously adjusted the app’s design to accommodate the iPhone’s smaller screen, the overall look and feel hasn’t changed much. Since the launch of the iPad app, Pearltrees has also started to put a stronger emphasis on helping users discover other relevant content on the site based on their own interest graphs. Consumer trends and insights from around the world. SoundCloud launches completely rewritten Web app in private beta. SoundCloud unveiled the next version of its service at a press event in San Francisco Wednesday, which was launched in private beta at the event.

SoundCloud launches completely rewritten Web app in private beta

The relaunch aims to put a bigger emphasis on social sharing, including social notifications. SoundCloud also revamped search and discoverability. SoundCloud CEO Alexander Ljung demonstrated real-time notifications by recording a sound via the company’s iPhone app, only to have it immediately show up in the site. Deezer Makes Develop Push with 'Open Deezer' Initiative. Online music service Deezer has sharpened its focus on mobile and apps with the introduction of a series initiatives to encourage the developer community, as it seeks to strengthen its position against Spotify, Pandora and other rivals with apps and third party services.

Deezer Makes Develop Push with 'Open Deezer' Initiative

Today the company announced ‘Open Deezer’ which is putting the API in the hands of developers, with financial incentives, paving the way for a glut of new apps that hook into its service. It’s a move that follows Spotify’s evolution into a platform last year, although Deezer is embracing multiple platforms, unlike its rival. Deezer is already available in more markets than its main competitors and it has now released three SDKs — iOS, Android and Web apps in javascript — which it says complement its reach by providing the “easiest and broadest” access to its API for developers across all platforms worldwide.

Wolfram Alpha’s Facebook Analytics Tool Digs Deep into Your Social Life. partage de photo par Google 13/07/2011. Google est depuis très longtemps présent sur le marché du partage de photo à travers son service baptisé Picasa. partage de photo par Google 13/07/2011

Mais cela n'empêche pas les excellents ingénieurs de Mountain View d'imaginer de nouveaux concepts et services pour ce marché. C'est ainsi qu'ils viennent d'annoncer l'arrivée prochaine de, un outil communautaire basé sur vos centres d'intérêts exprimés au travers des photos que vous postez. Concrètement, quand vous postez une photo, c'est comme si vous plantiez une vigne. Et toutes les photos postées ultérieurement qui sont proches de l'esprit de la vôtre viendront enrichir la ''vigne'' initiée par votre action. C'est un concept encore un peu fumeux mais laissons le temps à Google de parfaire le service et tout devrait paraitre bien plus clair.

(6) Programming Interviews: Do interviewers frown at potential hires when they use Ruby or Python to solve an interview question. Capitaine Train. Capitaine Train est un site internet de vente de billets de train.

Capitaine Train

Juste des billets de train. Pas de voyage en avion. Pas de location de voiture. Pas de séjour en hôtel. Fuite du fichier de l’UMP : un communiqué des auteurs. Top News - Minefeed.