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講義. 張賜賢介紹. 道成資訊張賜賢. 最佳搜尋Google. Google 搜尋技巧. Google 搜尋技巧 by 賜賢 張 on Prezi. Google 搜尋技巧. Google 我的商家. 新功能 – 「Google 我的商家」可幫助您的客戶在 Google 搜尋、Google 地圖或 Google+ 上找到您,直接與您的商家取得聯繫。

Google 我的商家

讓 Google 上的客戶都能找到您的商家 「Google 我的商家」會將您的商家資訊顯示在 Google 搜尋、Google 地圖和 Google+ 中,無論客戶使用哪一種裝置,都能夠找到您的商家。 讓客戶能夠輕鬆與您聯絡 在適當的時機為客戶提供重要的資訊,像是在 Google 地圖上提供前往您商家的行車路線、在 Google 搜尋中顯示商家營業時間,或是在手機上顯示點擊即可撥打的電話號碼。 邀請您的忠實客戶加入對話. 今日重點課後應用. 訂閱Google 快訊, 追蹤行業關鍵字/廠商/競爭者/公司在網路被評論. 純粹追蹤關鍵的新聞, 降低垃圾新聞, 專注產業經濟與國際大事, 掌握趨勢. 搜尋室內設計相片的方法. 上線一年成為全美50大網站的 與一堆山寨網站. 年度熱門網站,非 Pinterest 莫屬 如果要我挑出今年最熱門的網站,我會說非 Pinterest 莫屬。

上線一年成為全美50大網站的 與一堆山寨網站

幾個數據提供給你參考、感覺一下: Pinterest 上線約一年多,目前已經募得 3,750 萬美金左右的資金。 2010年10月,Pinterest 的不重複訪客約每月50,000人,如今是450萬人(數據參考過去一年來,Pinterest 的全球排名從10萬,衝到目前已經是全球200名以內,相較於去年最熱門的 Groupon 來說,Pinterest 更在最近三個月超越了 Groupon(當然,Groupon 本身是一個可能正在衰退的網站)(數據參考:Alexa)今年 10 月份,Pinterest 的 PV 更超越了 Etsy,外部觀測數據據稱有 4.2 億的 PV。 Etsy 看了報導,趕緊跳出來說:「我們的內部數據觀測出來的是我們一個月有 12 億的 PV 啊!」 你肯定可以注意到,不管從哪個觀測數據都可以看出 Pinterest 成長驚人,加上類似 Groupon 熱潮出現時的 C2C 行為(Copy to China)也開始出現,顯然這個不知道賺錢模式在哪裡的網站已經成為眾創業團隊進行山寨臨摹的首選標的之一了。 Pinterest = Pin + Interest 英文的 “Pin” 意思是”釘”,例如 Pinboard 指的是一個掛在牆上的板子,你可以將各式各樣的點子、待辦事項、臨時抄寫下來的客戶電話,寫在便條紙上後釘在這塊板子上。

Pinterest 就是一個這樣的點子,把你感興趣的圖片釘到這個網站上來。 Pinterest 魅力何在? 早在今年五月,Inside 就已經介紹過 Pinterest 了,當時 Nika 以「Pinterest: 可收集及整理視覺設計靈感的網路剪貼簿」為題介紹了這個有趣、有質感的網站,文中提到幾個重點: 在Tumblr這與WordPress、Blogspot及Xanga風格有極大差異的部落格出現後,網路部落格大致上分成四種風格:文字風格,圖片風格,圖文風格以及轉貼風格(reblog)。 40 Must-Follow Interior Design Pinners On Pinterest — DESIGNED. As usual, I've curated this must-follow list by focusing on the quality of the Pinner's overall Pinterest activity in the subject of interior design.

40 Must-Follow Interior Design Pinners On Pinterest — DESIGNED

However, I do look for how prolific Pinners are and if they upload -- not just repin -- beautiful images of interiors from a vast array of design blogs. Because, of course, even though we appreciate those who pin only what they see on, it does become tiring to see the same old images coming down your feed. Oh, and one more condition my selections must meet: You have to have pinned more than one thousand images/links. That's right, only “serious” Pinners are allowed. :-) Before you scroll any further, here's a tip: As you peruse through my list, click each name or profile to open the Pinner's page in a new window/tab. . HomeDSGN . on Pinterest. Pinterest • The world’s catalog of ideas There’s more to see on Pinterest Come take a look at what else is here!

. HomeDSGN . on Pinterest

She used Pinterest to step up her style Join Pinterest to discover and save creative ideas. Oops! Or Back Customize my signup experience using info from sites I’ve visited.Learn more Continue as a business. Freshome on Pinterest. Pin It Button: Chrome 擴充元件. Top 50 interior design websites. 60 Interior Design and Furniture Websites for Your Inspiration. It is interesting to explore the design of websites associated to a certain category.

60 Interior Design and Furniture Websites for Your Inspiration

There are many collections out there that showcase websites from certain areas, and today I want to share a couple of designs of websites from the interior design category. As one might assume, the level of design might be pretty interesting […] It is interesting to explore the design of websites associated to a certain category. There are many collections out there that showcase websites from certain areas, and today I want to share a couple of designs of websites from the interior design category. As one might assume, the level of design might be pretty interesting since there should be a tight connection between the sense of design applied in interior design or architecture and web design. I was curious to which extend designers of real objects and interior designers let their skill be reflected in their websites. Atelier expresses it’s design direction beautifully with it’s website.

Conclusions. Home Design Ideas, Pictures, Remodel and Decor. Flipboard: 訂閱世界重要雜誌, 達人整理的興趣雜誌, 自己發行興趣整理的雜誌. Flipboard: Your Social News Magazine on the App Store. Houzz Interior Design Ideas on the App Store. Houzz Kids' Rooms on the App Store. 2015-05-13課後重點. Pearltrees 登錄步驟. Google Keep App 下載: 語音記錄, 並且轉成文字記錄, 上傳Goolge 雲端. Web 版Google Keep: 可以和手機同步. Keep Chrome Extension.