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Stigmergic Collaboration. Elliott_phd_pub_08.10.07.pdf. La stigmergie: un nouveau modèle de gouvernance collaborative. Si le modèle concurrentiel crée des redondances et gâche des ressources sur la protection des idées, la publicité et autre, le modèle coopératif gâche beaucoup de temps et de ressources à discuter et à discuter les discussions.

La stigmergie: un nouveau modèle de gouvernance collaborative

Entre ces deux modèles, la stigmergie, une nouvelle méthode de gouvernance inspirée du mode d’organisation des insectes sociaux, pourrait offrir un modèle alternatif plus adapté à la collaboration dans des grands groupes. C’est quoi la stigmergie ? Définition de la stigmergie par Wikipédia : Stigmergy. Accelerating Socio-Technological Evolution – from ephemeralization and stigmergy to the global brain. M/C Journal: "Stigmergic Collaboration: The Evolution of Group Work" Introduction 1The steady rise of and the Open Source software movement has been one of the big surprises of the 21st century, threatening stalwarts such as Microsoft and Britannica, while simultaneously offering insights into the emergence of large-scale peer production and the growth of gift economies. 2Many questions arise when confronted with the streamlined efficacy and apparent lack of organisation and motivation of these new global enterprises, not least “how does this work?”

M/C Journal: "Stigmergic Collaboration: The Evolution of Group Work"

Stigmergic collaboration provides a hypothesis as to how the collaborative process could jump from being untenable with numbers above 25 people, towards becoming a new driver in global society with numbers well over 25,000. Stigmergic Collaboration 3Pierre-Paul Grasse first coined the term stigmergy in the 1950s in conjunction with his research on termites. The Desktop Regulatory State. 1. Stigmergic Revolution.pdf. The Stigmergic Revolution. It was long believed that the queen played a central role in the complex social order of an ant colony, through the exercise of direct command and control over her subjects.

The Stigmergic Revolution

Not so. Biologist Pierre-Paul Grasse coined the term “stigmergy” for the anthill’s social organization There is no central coordination, no hierarchy, no administrative mechanism. Each ant’s behavior is entirely spontaneous and self-directed, as it responds independently to the chemical trail markers left by other ants. Mark Elliot, whose doctoral dissertation is probably the best study on the subject to date, applied the term “stigmergy” to any form of human socialization in which coordination is achieved not by social negotiation or administration or consensus, but entirely by independent individual action against the background of a common social medium. Eric Raymond, writing on the open source software community, called it the “Bazaar” model.

Stigmergic collaboration - Meta Collab. Stigmergic collaboration is the process of collaboration that utilizes an intervening encodable media such as a canvas, a word processing document, email or a wiki.

Stigmergic collaboration - Meta Collab

Many if not most collaborative processes can be considered stigmergic collaboration as the use of encodable media is generally the norm. The employment of such media typically extends a collaborative group's reach enabling more participants to work across greater spans of geography and time, as well as extending group's memory and capacity to engage greater levels of complexity. Several works on the subject are listed below. Stigmergic Collaboration: A Theoretical Framework for Mass Collaboration Edit Mark Elliott's PhD dissertation Abstract Edit This thesis presents an application-oriented theoretical framework for generalised and specific collaborative contexts with a special focus on Internet-based mass collaboration. Macrowikinomics Murmuration.

Wikipedia_as_a_complex_system.pdf. The home of stigmergic systems. This site was set up in 2001 to provide a record of the thinking behind the development of stigmergic systems.

The home of stigmergic systems

In 2004, work on new projects was halted in order to re-assess the theory in light of the new thinking coming out of neurological research. Brain imaging techniques were revealing that the functioning of the human brain is totally different from the way it had been envisaged in the twentieth century. Stigmergy-WorkingPaper.pdf. OpenSourceStigmergy.pdf. Mark Elliott on stigmergy, citizen wikis, collaborative environments. General theory of stigmergy: Modelling stigma semantics. Artificial Life - Citation. Stigmergic Cognition. All things stigmergy Special Issue of Cognitive Systems Research Join the Linkedin Stigmergy group: Agents interact with others and their environment to circumvent cognitive limitation.

Stigmergic Cognition

Stigmergy is a property supervening on informational amplification and decay in complex adaptive social environments, environments that have sets of “search space” constraints. Stigmergic dimensions of Online Creative Interaction. Biologist and computer scientist discover the 'anternet' A collaboration between a Stanford ant biologist and a computer scientist has revealed that the behavior of harvester ants as they forage for food mirrors the protocols that control traffic on the Internet.

biologist and computer scientist discover the 'anternet'

On the surface, ants and the Internet don't seem to have much in common. But two Stanford researchers have discovered that a species of harvester ants determine how many foragers to send out of the nest in much the same way that Internet protocols discover how much bandwidth is available for the transfer of data. The researchers are calling it the "anternet. " Deborah Gordon, a biology professor at Stanford, has been studying ants for more than 20 years. Stigmergic self-organization and the improvisation of Ushahidi. Here are some excerpts from Janet’s fascinating paper.

Stigmergic self-organization and the improvisation of Ushahidi

In late 2007 in Kenya, US educated Kenyan journalist Ory Okolloh had become one of the main sources of information about the election and the violence that broke out soon after. Because of the government‟s ban on live reporting and censorship of the mainstream media, Okolloh solicited information about incidents of violence from ordinary people in the form of comments posted on her personal blog. A Community for Scientific Information. Solving the division of labour problem using and evolved heterogeneity (abstract) (2008) James, E. Noble, J. Watson, R. A collectivly generated model of the world.pdf. Nouvelle Donne. Wikipedia & politics of Mass Collaboration.pdf. Termite-Inspired Robots Can Build Unsupervised. Du Tag au Like: La pratique des folksonomies pour améliorer ses méthodes d ... - Olivier Le Deuff - Google Books. Novel stigmergy structures in the Internet. The vast messaging structure called the Internet harbors many self-organizing multicellular digital structures.

Novel stigmergy structures in the Internet

More evolve every year. And multitudes of "single cell" devices, PCs, laptops, iPod/Pad/Phones, Android smart phones, and various sensor and effector devices communicate with the many digital stigmergy structures discussed below. Linux source code, for example, can be thought of as a software termite mound, that is, a new kind of digital stigmergy structure. *Four architectural principles. Why is Open Access Development so Successful? – Stigmergic organization and the economics of information. Stigmergy - the secret of complex organization.

Cooperation in multicellular systems requires information sharing.

Stigmergy - the secret of complex organization

Entities such as cells in a multicellular body, social insects in a colony, people in societies, or computers in the Internet do not generally obey commands from some central controller; they share information by indirect and distributed paths. Independent entities deposit long-lived cues in external structures that are subsequently sensed by others. The cues may be attached to connective tissue within one body, to surfaces of shared nests such as termite mounds, or placed in shared databases or web-sites as the case may be.

Stigmergy structures provide persistent information that serves to organize the behavior of otherwise independent entities. Biological system design. From the CD-ROM "Concepts and strategies" by Peter Small Modular route to complexity The ideas for creating stigmergic systems for the Web originated during the writing of the two books Lingo Sorcery and Magical A-Life Avatars (written for multimedia designers who wanted to learn how to use lists and objects). The central theme of these books was to show how object oriented programming techniques can be used to develop products that went beyond a developer's imagination. Acta Astronautica - Stigmergy based behavioural coordination for satellite clusters.

Abstract Multi-platform swarm/cluster missions are an attractive prospect for improved science return as they provide a natural capability for temporal, spatial and signal separation with further engineering and economic advantages. As spacecraft numbers increase and/or the round-trip communications delay from Earth lengthens, the traditional “remote-control” approach begins to break down. Stigmergy. Kind people have stigmergically translated this article into German, French, and Spanish. This article is part of a series now incorporated into : ‘Binding Chaos’. Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between agents or actions. The principle is that the trace left in the environment by an action stimulates the performance of a next action, by the same or a different agent. In that way, subsequent actions tend to reinforce and build on each other, leading to the spontaneous emergence of coherent, apparently systematic activity.

Stigmergy is a form of self-organization. A personality based system can never allow for mass collaboration on a global scale without representation such as that seen in organizations like the United Nations. Currently, the typical response to a situation which requires an action is to create a noun, in the form of a committee, commission, organization, corporation, ngo, government body, etc. Most systems are now run by competitive organizations. Nodes. "stigmergy self-organization and sorting in collective robotics" Ei-ami-jan2004.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Stigmergy as a generic mechanism for coordination.

Stigmergy. Stigmergy is a mechanism of indirect coordination between agents or actions.[1] The principle is that the trace left in the environment by an action stimulates the performance of a next action, by the same or a different agent. In that way, subsequent actions tend to reinforce and build on each other, leading to the spontaneous emergence of coherent, apparently systematic activity. Stigmergy is a form of self-organization. It produces complex, seemingly intelligent structures, without need for any planning, control, or even direct communication between the agents. As such it supports efficient collaboration between extremely simple agents, who lack any memory, intelligence or even individual awareness of each other.[1] History[edit] The home of stigmergic systems. Emergence in stigmergic and complex adaptive systems: A formal discrete event systems perspective. Search Results.

Stigmergy. Sujet_SAR_RES_2011.pdf.