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Peter Shankman | CEO. Angel Investor. Entrepreneur. Adventurist. 10 Things You Need to Check Before Investing in a Startup. Bill Clark is the CEO of MicroAngel Capital Partners, a venture firm that gives more investors access to alternative investments. He also gives investors the ability to invest in startups online through crowdfunding. You can follow him on Twitter @austinbillc. You may already know where to find interesting startups, but what do you do once you're actually ready to invest? It's important to conduct your own due diligence on a startup before you write a check. You shouldn’t only rely on a great pitch, or assume others are doing the due diligence for you. Let’s go over some items that you should investigate. 1.

While you are looking for startups to invest in, make sure you invest in what you know. Your decision could be swayed more by the sales pitch than your actual experience, making the investment more risky. 2. When you are investing in a startup, you are really investing in the team. Find out what their history is with each other. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What did they spend the seed money on? IQPC Private Equity & Venture Capital Brazil Summit 2011.

One startup. 60 seconds. Go! - TechCrunch Elevator Pitches. 5 Insider Tips For a Good Pitch from a Venture Capitalist. At some point you may be thinking about raising additional funds for your business to grow and expand. If that’s the case, you’ve probably thought about venture capital as one source of those funds. Not only is venture capital tough to get, but pitching to a VC can be intimidating – but it doesn’t have to be. Here are five great tips from an actual VC who explains what it takes to make a good pitch and give yourself the best chance to get the money. Tip #1 – Every Step is to get to the Next Step Every time you communicate with a VC your goal should be to get to the next step. Tip #2 – When you Get the Meeting Be Succinct You may get an hour meeting, but it won’t be for an hour. Tip #3 – Get to the Value Proposition in 5 Minutes VC’s want to hear what you can do, what value your idea/business brings, and do you have credibility.

Tip #4 – Keep the Overall Pitch Short You should be able to clearly articulate your message in 20 minutes. Tip #5 – Control the Meeting Photo Credit: Tracy O. Tips From Venture Capitalists On Creating a Good Pitch. Incubadoras - Tópico. Arca Multincubadora. Steel In Their Eyes – Why VC’s Should Be Startup CEO’s. A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. Mark Twain Venture Capitalists who are serious about turning their firms into more than one-fund wonders may want to have their associates actually start and run a company for a year. Running a company is distinctly different from simply having operating experience – (working in bus dev, sales or marketing.)

None of that can compare with being the CEO of a startup facing a rapidly diminishing bank account, your best engineer quitting, working until 10pm and rushing to the airport and catching a redeye for a “Hail Mary” close of a customer, with your board demanding you do it faster. Today, you can start a web/mobile/cloud startup for $500,000 and have money left over. Every potential early-stage Venture Capitalist should take a year and do it before he or she makes partner. Here’s why. Venture capital as a profession is less than half a century old. Does it Matter? Steel in their eyes Lessons Learned. Quem são os investidores brasileiros que blogam? - Guia de Startups. Conectados | 28/10/2011 16:18 Na rede, investidores compartilham conselhos, métricas básicas, avisos e experiências que podem ajudar bastante no desenvolvimento de um projeto Diego Bedran, da Stock.xchng São Paulo - A maneira mais fácil de entender os investidores ou saber o que eles pensam sobre determinado mercado, é seguir seus blogs.

São vários blogs de investidores gringos que são leitura obrigatória para que já tem, ou pretende fundar uma startup. Se você já acompanha blogs de investidores, sabe que as informações fornecidas são de extrema valia. São conselhos, métricas básicas, avisos e experiências que podem ajudar bastante no desenvolvimento de um projeto. Startupi » Continuando: investidores comentam perfis de empreendedores. A VC.