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Third Eye (Ajna)

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Third Eye Chakra Healing - Brow Chakra. Third Eye Chakra - The Sixth Chakra Chakra Healing - Opening towards the infinite... An alternative medicine approach towards your radiant health To learn more, click on the related chakra Understanding Third Eye Chakra The Sixth Chakra Healing With the opening of your sixth chakra you become the master. With the sixth chakra you have will. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience are the gifts of third eye. Welcome to the space of your third eye chakra. From where you can view the infinite. To schedule a session click here or read on... Take your own time to explore this space. We invite you to experience the magic of chakra healing in all areas of your life - a completely new way of solving challenges.

Physical - Mental - Emotional - Social - Spiritual - Financial An alternative medicine approach to your radiant health. The amount of Good luck that happens in your life is directly proportional to the Playful Energy that you carry with you Inner Cosmos chakra energy healing combined with NLP. Kundalini Energy Transfer - Pineal Gland Activation. 936Hz (Single Tone) - Solfeggio Harmonics Frequency - PINEAL GLAND ACTIVATION. Isochronic tone stimulation: Pineal Gland (15min) 936Hz Pineal Gland Activator.

Pineal Gland Activation - Meditation - Violet Flame Pulses. Activating the Pineal Gland: Opening Your Third Eye. Decalcify Your Pineal Gland! A guided meditation to unblock your Ajna Chakra, Third Eye. Sudevi.