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Le Lab Europe1. Le Journal International. JOURNAUX. Newsvine. Newsvine. Newsvine is a community-powered, collaborative journalism news website which draws content from its users and syndicated content from mainstream sources such as The Associated Press. Users can write articles, seed links to external content, and discuss news items submitted by both users and professional journalists. Newsvine, the company, is not a news bureau and exercises no editorial voice, but acts as a social news platform for the community which has grown around it.

Members decide with their actions what news makes it onto the site and what news is removed. History Seattle-based Newsvine, Inc. was founded in the spring of 2005 by Mike Davidson, Calvin Tang, Lance Anderson and Mark Budos. The company moved into its offices near downtown Seattle on August 1, 2005, and launched into private alpha on December 1, 2005.

On October 7, 2007, Newsvine announced its acquisition by the news website, effective October 5, 2007. Features Seeding Articles Voting User Columns. Presse en français. Le Devoir | Nouvelles, actualités, politique, culture et chroniques. | Actualités, Arts, International, Débats, Sports, Vivre, Voyage. Les Echos | Actu économique et financière - Information économique et financière - Journal quotidien économique et financier. Le Matin, l'actualité en direct: sports, people, politique, économie, multimédia. Medias en ligne. Médias. La Voix de la Russie. Presse. The Daily Beast.

Information. Blogs Presse FR. Presse en français. Presse en anglais. Presse en allemand.