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Recommendersystems. Journalists. Political campaigns. Polticalaffectedbysocialmedia. The Sun Launches Subscription Android App, iPhone Coming. 13 January '12, 04:42pm Follow Hot on the heels of the recent UK Sun newspaper website paywall debate, any argument about Rupert-Murdoch-owned News International’s plans for mobile have received some clarification this week.

The Sun Launches Subscription Android App, iPhone Coming

The Sun newspaper has now finally launched its Android app, hitting Android Market for an introductory price of £0.69 a month, rising to its permanent subscription price of £4.99 after the first month. The Sun has the highest circulation of all UK print newspapers, and it launched its first native app for iPad way back in June 2010, which also costs £4.99 a month, offering what is essentially a scanned version of the print newspaper, with no real interactivity to speak of. A dedicated iPhone app is in the pipeline and should be hitting the App Store “soon”, presumably it will adopt the same approach as the Android app which is at least tailored for a mobile app platform.


Citizencuratednews. Political. VisualMediaStrategy. Daily Wrap: The Accuracy of Citzen Curated News and More. A post that made it to front page of Hacker News raises questions about the accuracy of citizen curated news.

Daily Wrap: The Accuracy of Citzen Curated News and More

This and more in today's Daily Wrap. Sometimes it's difficult to catch every story that hits tech media in a day, so we thought it might be helpful to wrap up some of the most talked about stories. Assuming this goes over well, we're going to give you a daily recap of what you missed in the ReadWriteWeb Community, including a link to some of the most popular discussions in our offsite communities on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google Plus as well. This is a new feature at ReadWriteWeb so we covet your feedback. If you have suggestions, please leave them in the comments below or reach out to me directly at robyn at

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