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HootSuite. Dashboard - Buffer. Setup the Buffer bookmarklet on the iPad. Buffer is an online service that allows you to tweet to your followers through out the day. You focus on adding tweets to “keep your buffer topped off” and Buffer manages the scheduling. It runs on any of the modern browsers via In this post we will teach you how to add the Buffer bookmarklet to your iPad so that you may share content with your followers on the go.

We will need to create a bookmark and then go back and edit the bookmark to include the Buffer bookmarklet JavaScript code. The steps that we will be following are similar to the install steps for Instapaper on the iPad–only we will be inserting a code unique to the Buffer service. How to add the Buffer bookmarklet to the iPad First be sure you’ve had a look at the install steps for Instapaper via the link above so that you are comfortable with the steps. The remaining steps will be completed via the iPad only but keep it open on your computer browser so you can continue to follow the steps. Image source: Buffer. Google+ Bookmarklet on Devices. I made this page out of frustration. There is simply no easy way to add bookmarklets to your iPad or iPhone. I blagged a little about that here. I don't use Safari on my desktop, so I don't sync my bookmarks to my iDevices. So I took a few minutes to copy the Javascript from all my bookmarklets and made this iPhone/iPad formatted page with all the Javascript in a selectable textarea for each bookmarklet.

This way I could open up the page on my gadgets, and in about 5 minutes have all of my important bookmarklets loaded into Safari on both my iPad and my iPhone. I know this is far from ideal, and even further from anything resembling a solution, but until some smart person comes up with a way around this, or until Apple adds some better bookmark management or add-on capabilities to mobile Safari this will have to do for now.

I'll leave this page up for anyone who wants to add some of these bookmarklets to Safari on their own iPads or iPhones. Instructions: 1. Bookmarklets: Simple Google+ Bookmarklet by AJ Batac. Adding Bookmarklet. I made this page out of frustration. There is simply no easy way to add bookmarklets to your iPad or iPhone. I blagged a little about that here. I don't use Safari on my desktop, so I don't sync my bookmarks to my iDevices. So I took a few minutes to copy the Javascript from all my bookmarklets and made this iPhone/iPad formatted page with all the Javascript in a selectable textarea for each bookmarklet.

This way I could open up the page on my gadgets, and in about 5 minutes have all of my important bookmarklets loaded into Safari on both my iPad and my iPhone. I know this is far from ideal, and even further from anything resembling a solution, but until some smart person comes up with a way around this, or until Apple adds some better bookmark management or add-on capabilities to mobile Safari this will have to do for now. I'll leave this page up for anyone who wants to add some of these bookmarklets to Safari on their own iPads or iPhones. Instructions: 1. Bookmarklets: