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Und kann es nicht. Jetzt kann man: Denn bei dem Onlinedienst meldet man sich nicht nur mit dem Namen an, sondern auch mit dem Nummernschild - und kann so Botschaften an andere Verkehrsteilnehmer senden und über das eigene Kennzeichen Nachrichten empfangen. "Man wird den Verkehr anders wahrnehmen", verspricht Constantin Essmeyer. Der Wirtschaftsstudent aus Wilhelmshaven ist einer der Erfinder von flincar. Zusammen mit seinem Schulfreund Michael Lauer, einem Mediengestalter aus Magdeburg, hat der 27-Jährige die Seite eingerichtet. Die Idee sei ihm beim Lesen der Lokalzeitung gekommen, erzählt Essmeyer. Das Autokennzeichen als Chiffrenummer Der Dienst ist kostenlos. Der Gründer ist unerreichbar. - explore, reflect, act. Diaspora, Download bei heise. Beautiful Word Clouds. | Home. Fast & Easy Unfollowing for Twitter.

Have you asked yourself this? Well you're in luck - ManageFlitter has the answer! Click "Connect to Twitter" below to connect your account. We'll process data on your followers and within a few seconds you'll see the screen below - a list of all the people who have unfollowed you. If you feel like it, you can then select some people and unfollow them quickly by clicking the button on the right. What else does ManageFlitter do? Apart from being the perfect answer to who unfollowed me, ManageFlitter is a world class Twitter management tool. ManageFlitter's feature focus on 5 key areas of Twitter; Unfollowing, Following, Searching, Twitter Analytics and Posting.

More detail about each of these can be found on the ManageFlitter Features page. How much does it cost? It's completely free to find out who has unfollowed you. Social Media Sobriety Test. Search online people to talk with. Pick&Zip - Photo downloader. Website Screenshot Thumbnail Service | ShrinkTheWeb. iTunes - Ping: Social Network for Music. The truth about Twitter, Facebook and the uprisings in the Arab world | World news. Think of the defining image of the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa – the idea that unites Egypt with Tunisia, Bahrain and Libya. It has not been, in itself, the celebrations of Hosni Mubarak's fall nor the battles in Tahrir Square in Cairo.

Nor even the fact of Mohammed Bouazizi's self-immolation in the central Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid, which acted as a trigger for all the events that have unfolded. Instead, that defining image is this: a young woman or a young man with a smartphone. She's in the Medina in Tunis with a BlackBerry held aloft, taking a picture of a demonstration outside the prime minister's house. He is an angry Egyptian doctor in an aid station stooping to capture the image of a man with a head injury from missiles thrown by Mubarak's supporters. Or it is a Libyan in Benghazi running with his phone switched to a jerky video mode, surprised when the youth in front of him is shot through the head. Except social media has played a role. Rosen is right. How big is your world? Wiki Social Media Monitoring. Hands up for Health Workers. Foamee. PageFlakes. Flock Browser - The Social Web Browser.

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Home - Creaza. PageModo: Create Professional Facebook Pages Without Any Coding. Facebook pages are a great way to promote your business or brand. You can add pictures, information, videos and everything else that you can on a regular webpage. If you think creating a professional looking Facebook page requires a lot of effort, check out PageModo. It is a web service that lets you create customized Facebook pages for free. Once you log in using your Facebook account, you’ll start by choosing one of the two available page layouts. Then insert the content including a header image and up to 3 additional images. The page is divided into several boxes and you can customize each box by inserting a heading, description and even choosing a background color and texture. Features: