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Flock Browser - The Social Web Browser

Flock Browser - The Social Web Browser

Second Life Blogs: Features: The New OnLive, the leader in cloud gaming, today released an exciting new service for Second Life users. SL Go, now in open beta, is a mobile Second Life viewer for Android that delivers a fully immersive desktop-like experience on tablets. With SL Go, you can experience Second Life from anywhere you have Wi-Fi or 4G connectivity, with ultra high-quality graphics, full shaders, shadows, and the Advanced Lightning Model on Android devices. Surveymonkey SurveyMonkey™ Thanks for completing this survey.Now create your own—it's free, quick & easy! Create free surveys in just a few minutes Ask questions in over 15 formats(configured for you and ready to go!) Get answers to any type of question Lynching Photographs : Dora Apel and Shawn Michelle Smith Why do we look at lynching photographs? What is the basis for our curiosity, rage, indignation, or revulsion? Beginning in the late nineteenth century, nearly five thousand blacks were put to death at the hands of lynch mobs throughout America. In many communities it was a public event, to be witnessed, recorded, and made available by means of photographs. In this book, the art historian Dora Apel and the American Studies scholar Shawn Michelle Smith examine lynching photographs as a way of analyzing photography's historical role in promoting and resisting racial violence.

Autopatch, Internet, D-Star & GPS Info [Archive] - BB.BC4x4.COM Tenny Chui January 7th, 2008, 12:43 am I am fairly new in being a ham and in finding out what my radios can do. I use my radios mostly for hunting, other recreational communication and emergency purposes. Install multiple versions of IE on your PC Ever wanted to test your website in various versions of Internet Explorer? It is possible to run Internet Explorer in standalone mode without having to over-write previous versions thanks to Joe Maddalone who came up with a way of achieving that in November 2003. Basically, Internet Explorer is run by exploiting a known workaround to DLL hell - which was introduced in Windows 2000 and later versions - called DLL redirection. Manfred Staudinger perfected the standalone versions by adding IE version numbers to the title bar of the standalone browser window.

LSL Tutorial Beginner Tutorials Getting Ready to Learn LSL: Before learning LSL, it is helpful to learn the basics of Second Life. Here are some pointers to getting started. PageModo: Create Professional Facebook Pages Without Any Coding Facebook pages are a great way to promote your business or brand. You can add pictures, information, videos and everything else that you can on a regular webpage. If you think creating a professional looking Facebook page requires a lot of effort, check out PageModo. Lego Kitchen Crafts Here are a few simple and elegant Lego projects that can bring a little cheer into your kitchen. Above, a complementary pair of candy dishes. A napkin holder, loosely modeled after a part of the Brooklyn Bridge. Ticket to Work: Ticket to Work As of April 16, 2014: IWPs/TARs submitted through April 15, 2014 are currently being processed. (This does NOT apply to eTicket assignment uploaded through the portal) Ticket Holder status in the Portal and IVR is up to date, with the last file processed dated April 14, 2014. Section 503 Regulations are in Effect! Learn about changes to regulations governing Section 503 and how to locate Federal contractors on our dedicated Section 503 webpage located in the Information Center. Section 503 Community of Practice is Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 3:00 p.m.

Browser Tests, Services and Compatibility Test Suites Advertisement Cross-browser compatibility is still one of the most complex issues when it comes to web-development. Web standards usually guarantee a (relatively) high degree of consistency, however no browser is perfect and particularly older browsers have always been quite good at surprising web-developers with their creative understanding of (X)HTML/CSS-code. Still you need to make sure that (at least) most visitors of your web-site can use it, navigate through it and find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible. Scratch for Second Life What is Scratch for Second Life (S4SL)? S4SL is a new easy way to add behaviors and interactivity to your objects in Second Life. S4SL is based on Scratch, a graphical programming language that lets you construct programs by snapping together graphical blocks. With S4SL, you can snap together a few blocks to make your SL pet interact with you using chat commands, make your sculpture change size and color, or make your house respond to your presence. TutorialTry this tutorial to get started with S4SL.
