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The Tr-eM Trend Empowered Weekly. Halloween Ball 2011. Calendar. Video of New Rage 28. How to optimize twitter / Facebook for Amazon. 10 Twitter Mistakes You Should Avoid. Twitter Mistakes to Avoid When you are roaming the web, searching for valuable Twitter related tips, what you really want is tested tips that are effective and straight to the point.

10 Twitter Mistakes You Should Avoid

Therefore, for today’s’ post, I will be sharing with you a list of 10 simple and direct Twitter mistakes you should avoid when using Twitter: Thou shall not blabber.Thou shall not follow random tweeps just to increase one’s number of followers.Thou shall not be inactive and complacent.Thou shall not talk too much about oneself and one’s achievements.Thou shall not expect to be retweeted if thou do not retweet in return.Thou shall not take followers for granted.Thou shall not spam.Thou shall not use “eggs” as avatars.Thou shall not use generic backgrounds.Thou shall not use Twitter to stalk or harm others. I hope you enjoyed the tips and found them useful. Looking forward to reading your comments and insights down below :) Did you try Tweepi yet? Eye tracking study reveals 12 website tactics. Eye tracking studies have revealed valuable information about how people read and interact with websites.

Eye tracking study reveals 12 website tactics

One study, Eyetrack III, published a summary of their eye tracking results for news sites. While this is just one eye tracking study focused on a particular type of site, I think there are instructive nuggets here for any informational website. In no particular order, here are 12 results I found particularly interesting. 1.Headlines draw eyes before pictures. This might be surprising for some people since the trend has been to add photos and graphics specifically to draw the eye.

But the participants in this study looked at headlines, especially in the upper left of the page, before they looked at photos when they landed on a page. 2. This means you should front-load your headlines with the most interesting and provocative words. 3. The implication is the same as before. Six Steps to a Social Media Strategy. Target your social media use to your intended audience. By Pamela Lewis Dolan — covered health information technology issues and social media topics affecting physicians.

Target your social media use to your intended audience

Connect with the columnist: @Plewisdolan — Posted June 14, 2010. While many social media users focus on the number of LinkedIn connections, Facebook friends or Twitter followers they have, experts say the focus should be on quality versus quantity. Social media experts use the term "influencers" when referring to the connections one should make when using social media for marketing. Influencers don't just help spread a message -- they help generate action. Therefore, consultants say any social media marketing campaign or strategy should be targeted to the influencers, not the masses. And physicians trying to establish their own reputations or brand should not only want to find the influencers, but also establish themselves as influencers. Katz defines influencers as credible people whose connections are likely to follow their advice. McDonald’s Social Media Marketing Strategy -

Digital marketing. Digital marketing is marketing that makes use of electronic devices (computers) such as personal computers, smartphones, cellphones, tablets and game consoles to engage with stakeholders.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, e-mail, apps (classic and mobile) and social networks. Social Media Marketing is a component of digital marketing. Many organisations use a combination of traditional and digital marketing channels. History[edit] The term 'digital marketing' was first used in the 1990s.[1] In the 2000s and the 2010s, digital marketing became more sophisticated as an effective way to create a relationship with the consumer that has depth and relevance.[2] In 2012 and 2013 statistics showed digital marketing remained a growing field.[3][4] Digital marketing is often referred to as 'online marketing' or 'internet marketing'.

Types of digital marketing[edit] Two different forms of digital marketing exist:[citation needed] Multi-Channel Communications[edit] Social Media Marketing: A Three-Legged Stool « Shoestring Brandi. The Four Spheres Of Social Media Strategy. A crowd of 80 or so attended yesterday’s social media boot camp hosted by the Kentucky chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and the Social Media Club Louisville.

The Four Spheres Of Social Media Strategy

I was honored to serve as one of the presenters along with the undisputed queen of measurement, Katie Paine, and The Bad Pitch Blog man himself, Kevin Dugan. Rest assured, lots of learning was had, even if you just count my experience. Part of my presentation, which was focused on developing strategic plans for social media marketing, included my Four Spheres of Social Media Strategy.

Until now, I’ve not shared this theory and graphic with you and thought it would be a good time to share and solicit your feedback on it. What this image represents is the four areas of expertise a person needs to have in order to develop a successful social media strategy. Brand IntelligenceConsumer InsightsCommunity BehaviorTools & Platforms This is one man’s view of the world, however.