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Twitter: A Hashtag How To « Sage Words. Launch a Group Text Messaging Campaign for Your Nonprofit for Free « Nonprofit Tech 2.0 :: A Social Media Guide for Nonprofits. [tweetmeme] I like to think of group text messaging campaigns as the e-newsletter of the Mobile Web – just much shorter. Over the last decade nonprofit communicators have been perfecting e-newsletters to drive traffic to their organization’s website, blog, Facebook Page, etc. and to keep supporters informed and engaged. Now that same concept is emerging in mobile communications. Text messaging campaigns help keep supporters engaged and informed, and can significantly increase traffic to nonprofit mobile websites and smartphone Apps.

In my research of nonprofits using mobile technology, it’s clear that mobile technology has been slow to catch on in the nonprofit sector compared to the business and higher education sectors. Nonprofits were the absolute first to utilize social networking sites. They were getting creative and pioneering MySpace in 2005 and Facebook in 2006 long before corporate brands and universities, but that hasn’t been the case with mobile technology. 1. 2. 3. Like this: Vorgestellt: Microblogging-Dienste. Das Schreiben von Blogs hat um die Jahrtausendwende auch im alten Europa große Popularität und eine breite Lesergemeinde erreicht. Die Autoren beschäftigen sich mit Themen aus Wirtschaft, Politik oder IT-Medien – meist mit längeren Beiträgen.

Beim so genannten Microblogging ist die Länge eines Beitrags auf 140 Zeichen beschränkt – es dreht sich alles um Informationen in Echtzeit. Inhaltsverzeichnis Bekannt geworden ist das Phänomen durch den US-Dienst Twitter. Es ist fast legendär, wie Mr. und Mrs. Werbung Vorteile des Microblogging Das System hinter Microblogging bietet zunächst den Vorteil gegenüber klassischer Verbreitung von Informationen über E-Mail oder SMS, dass die Nachrichten auf 140 Zeichen beschränkt sind.

Das liegt daran, dass Anwender Informationen über das Handy auch unterwegs verbreiten können. Twitter – der Platzhirsch Der erfolgreichste Microblogging-Dienst ist zweifelsohne Twitter. Followers auf beiden Seiten Umgang mit Nachrichten Vorgestellt: Microblogging-Dienste. Twitter. HOW TO: Customize Your Background for the New Twitter.

Last month, Twitter unveiled a total site redesign. The new Twitter homepage is robust, more like a stand-alone application, and offers support for multimedia, keyboard shortcuts, and easy access to various types of content. The new design also has different dimensions (originally based on the golden ratio) and treats backgrounds in a slightly different way. The result is that a carefully customized Twitter background that looked fantastic on the old Twitter, may not work so well with the new design. In many cases, the best solution is to create a new color scheme or background design to fit into the new parameters.As more and more users are gaining access to the new Twitter, we thought it would be a good time to revisit the area of Twitter customizations. Fortunately, Twitter now offers some fantastic theming tools to make the process less of a chore, and we've created some Photoshop (PSD) files mapped to the dimensions of the new Twitter to help give you a head start.

Plan Your Layout. Twitter Directory and Search, Find Twitter Followers. Welcome to - Schedule your Tweets. 5 Terrific Tools for Keeping Tabs on Twitter Trends. Want to know what's happening anywhere in the world right now? Twitter is where it's at. Want to know what's been happening over time and in the context of other events? That's where it gets a little more complicated. Fortunately, Twitter's open API means that Trending Topics aren't just for the network's homepage. Developers can tap in and display data about popular tweets, terms, and URLs that allow us to compare and track trends over time and find out what's hot or newsworthy beyond that simple top ten list. Whether you're tracking your brand, optimizing your content, or just plain curious about the way information is virally shared, you'll want to check out these five web-based tools for keeping tabs on Twitter trends. 1.

Trendistic (formerly Twist) is a go-to utility for getting granular Twitter stats on any topic. No matter the time scale you're viewing, the stats are broken up hour-by-hour, showing the macro and micro trend at once. 2. But that's not all that Twopular offers. 3. Internetmarketing mit Twitter. Internetmarketing mit Twitter bietet eine Reihe von Chancen, die Sie als Internetmarketer für sich nutzen sollten. Auch wenn die Sprengkraft, die darin liegt, Einsteigern nicht immer bewusst ist. Twitter ist ein so genannter Micro-Blogging-Dienst, der pro Betrag maximal 140 Zeichen zulässt. Darin enthalten können Links auf andere Websites sein, was natürlich fürs Internetmarketing mit Twitter äußerst interessant ist.

Weitere Applikationen anderer Anbieter rund um Twitter decken Bereiche ab, die bei Twitter nicht möglich sind. Das reicht vom Speichern und Versenden von Bildern und Videos bis zu Statistiken über Anzahl von Aufrufen des Accounts. Ganz wichtig sind die Linkverkürzungsdienste (z.B. oder, denn schließlich sind 140 Zeichen nicht viel Platz. Für Einsteiger ins Internetmarketing mit Twitter die wichtigsten Funktionen: Über Twitter versendete Nachrichten sind öffentlich zugänglich, also auch für User, die nicht bei Twitter registriert sind. 5 Tips for Running A Business Twitter Account. This is a list of basic Dos and Don’ts to consider when using Twitter for business. The key to most of these tips is finding the right balance and of course, keeping a professional air, while you’re at it. Getting Started It may seem like its straightforward, but the first thing you should be sure to do is add a profile picture, biography, a relevant background, and a link to your website before publicising your Twitter account.

When you create your Twitter account, don’t follow hundreds of people to attempt to get followers. If your content is good, you’ll get noticed and people will follow you. Don’t Be a Bot Don’t flood your followers. Auto-anything doesn’t go down well on Twitter. Behind the Scenes Use Twitter to keep your customers aware of upcoming maintenance on your site, especially if you run a community site. Acknowledge your Consumer Having a Twitter account opens your company up to dealing with customer service issues in a public forum.

Interact Be personal and engaging. Top 10 Twitter Tutorials on YouTube. We all know that YouTube is a treasure trove of entertainment, with endless hours of Justin Bieber crooning to tweens and cats playing the piano. But it's also a terrific resource for learning — there are helpful how-tos about a wide range of topics that do a great job of breaking down complex subjects into visuals that are easy to understand. Users have posted thousands of tutorials ranging from animal care to everyone's favorite microblogging tool, Twitter. Whether you want to get your mom started on Twitter or want the scoop on some of Twitter's best desktop apps and how to use Twitter for brand building, these YouTube videos will keep you entertained while educating you about various aspects of the Twitterverse. 1.

Twitter in Plain English This quick, no-nonsense introduction is a great starting point. 2. A simple step by step tutorial on how to create your Twitter account, add friends, and get started tweeting. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Link to original post Connect: Authored by: Pam Dyer. Unser neuer Leitfaden: Twitter und Co. in Unternehmen – mehr Produktivität durch Microblogging | doubleYUU GmbH & Co. KG. Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's experience more efficient. The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies we need your permission. This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages. You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website. Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.

Please state your consent ID and date when you contact us regarding your consent. Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's experience more efficient. The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. This site uses different types of cookies.