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Facebook Text-Only Posts Beating Photo And Link Posts On EdgeRank. Facebook’s changes to EdgeRank have had a chilling effect on visibility and engagement for page owners. And this visibility cold front has suspiciously developed at the same time the social network is deploying enhanced methods for promoting posts for both pages and profiles. Coincidence? Maybe. But what if I told you that the kind of posts we like to share most — links and pictures — have taken a larger hit than text-only posts? I know what you’re thinking: “Text-only posts won’t generate the engagement or shares that links and images do.”

For the most part, I would agree, although we have seen more engagement on our best text posts than we have received on mediocre image posts. Let’s look at some examples. As we can see in example A, the post is text-only, engaging, and has a call to action. Lest we think a hugely popular post — one that goes viral and gets shares — will be served more organically, I present example B. What can you do about it? Ensure Your Nonprofit’s Facebook Fans See All Your Posts | Nonprofit Tech 2.0 Blog :: A Social Media Guide for Nonprofits. Except for a short test in 2009, your nonprofit’s Facebook Fans have never seen all your posts and as most of us have by now have realized, the percentage that do has gotten significantly smaller over time.

The most recent changes to Facebook’s Edgerank has decreased the percentage to 6-9% on the Nonprofit Organizations Facebook Page. Personally, I am not surprised or annoyed much by the changes. I am a firm believer that Era of Free! On the Social Web must come to an end – that until we start paying for premium services (and staff time), nonprofits will continue to be at the mercy of for-profit revenue models and non-existent customer service, but that’s another blog post.

When you create a list, you’ll see the best posts from that list in your main News Feed. Your lists will also appear in the Interests section of your bookmarks. Translation: EdgeRank will still determine if your nonprofit’s posts will show up in the main News Feed once added to an Interest List. [Free!] Facebook Tagging – How it Works for Timelines and Pages. Although Facebook Tagging seems rather straightforward, when I received the following as a comment in another post, I decided to write an entire post on the subject. Recently, we were tagged in a post by another company. There was nothing inflammatory about the post, but my company is very sensitive regarding what is posted on our wall. As of right now, the post does not show up on the Page’s wall or in the news feed of people who like the Page. Would you let me know how tagging works for Facebook Pages, as it seems to be different from personal profiles? Facebook Tagging Overview Facebook Tagging - How it works for Timelines & Pages Facebook tagging links a person, Page, or place to something you post, like a status update, photo or app activity.

When a friend or Page is notified that they have been tagged, it increases engagement because they are more likely to comment on or like the activity in which they have been tagged. Facebook Tagging for Timelines Facebook Tagging for Pages. How to moderate comments on Facebook Timeline | How to Moderate a Facebook Fan Page. How to make posting images on Facebook work for you. Research has shown that images are the most engaging content shared on Facebook, but unfortunately they’re not used as much as they should.

Research has shown that images are the most engaging content shared on Facebook, but unfortunately they’re not used as much as they should. With a bit of creativity and thinking a bit outside of the box, you can shift your Facebook posts to use more images and increase your engagement. This article is about posting images on Facebook. If you want info on how to maximise your cover photo, profile image and tab images, visit our Facebook Timeline for Pages Super-Guide. Stop posting links, post a pic! It’s simple really, instead of posting a URL to a blog post or news article, post an image and add “Read more: at the end. I usually start a new line for the ‘read more’ link. An added benefit to this is that you can change the description of an image on the fly.

Quick tip: Grab a URL shortener. Manage your photo albums To edit your albums: How to get more likes on Facebook. Brands Can Now Turn Their Facebook Timeline Into a Movie. For FB page admins: How to reclaim (part) of your missing audience | The Always Upward Blog. The last couple of posts (here and here) focused on the negative impact EdgeRank has on Facebook page posts, essentially whittling their recipient audience to a paltry 6% (for most) to 12% (the lucky ones). The suggestions offered had to be undertaken by fans, leaving page admins feeling pretty helpless.

So…time to focus on what those of us “behind the curtain” can do, in hopes of turning at least a little of the tide back our way. First, a stark reality. Old school: Great original on-site content = more fan engagement New school: Less original on-site content = more fan engagement What that means: Outbound* links are more valuable than words typed into a post. * According to EdgeRank, the most valuable links are those that point back to something inside Facebook, but who wants to do that?

Typing a truly rich, complete post that delivers on its own will kill your “people reached” percentage. The solution (two, actually): Fan side — Lists Admin side — Outbound links Bottom line? 10 Powerful Tips to Increase Fan Engagement on Facebook. Facebook is the social network preferred by most businesses when planning and implementing their social media marketing strategy. Even though Twitter and YouTube are large social media networks, Facebook provides a marketing ecosystem that is multi-media rich and broad.

There are literally tens of thousands of apps that can assist business with marketing on Facebook. Even though it feels like Facebook has been part of our lives forever it must be noted that Facebook “Pages” for Business have only been with us for barely 3 years! Business is Still Learning How to Use Facebook Businesses are still learning the most effective tactics to apply when participating and engaging on Facebook. The questions often being asked are 1. 2. 3. Research by Buddy Media reveals ways to create the most effective engagement for retailers when interacting with their fans on Facebook. The findings reveal some interesting ways to increase the success of your Facebook marketing.

Here are the findings of the research. How to create fans-only content on your Facebook page. How to Get 216% More Interaction on Your Facebook Page. Brain surgery takes many years to perfect. Most of the people that require it are thankful that the surgeon has to pursue a rigorous course of learning. Just imagine the problems that would occur if you were able to obtain the right to operate by filling in a survey on the back of a cereal packet. It would not create a more intelligent nation but I am sure the lawyers would be happy! Obtaining more Interaction is not Brain Surgery A recent survey by Momentus Media discovered a fact that is not brain surgery and increases your interaction rate by 216% on your Facebook page!

They analyzed 49,266 Facebook page posts to compare interaction rates for for posts containing “Like” calls to action“Comment” calls to actionNo calls to action The results revealed something which is essential but often not done by many marketing professionals and that was that a “call to action” (or CTA) will increase your chances of interaction over not asking at all! Why the Correct Call to Action is Important 222inShare. 3 Ways to Boost Interaction With Your Facebook Fans. Are you looking for fresh ideas to engage your Facebook fans? Do you have a pretty nice fan base, but you’re struggling to come up with ideas to engage them on a daily basis? One proven approach is to help your fans. Here are 3 techniques used by some of the most successful Facebook pages. Try them on your page to see how your fans respond! #1: Become a resource Despite the level of connection you think you have with your fans on Facebook, many still express pleasant surprise when you respond to them personally on the social network.

Use fan names when you can, and respond one-on-one to the comments they make. Moreover, invite conversation by asking your fans’ opinions on topics, or asking them to tell you what sorts of content they’d appreciate. Everybody likes being asked, and fans feel extra-appreciated when you fulfill these desires—so don’t ask them for input you never intend to use or incorporate. As of this writing, the store had just under 1,100 fans. . #2: Offer your services, free. 16 Ways To Get More Comments On Your Facebook Page -

How To Take Your Company’s Facebook Fan Page from Zero to 40,000 Fans. It was last year that I met a Facebook marketing specialist, Mike Watkins at a marketing event. I was impressed by his story about how he had taken the SUPRE’s fashion brand’s Facebook page from zero to 40,000 fans shortly after Facebook released the “Page” option to add to its “Profiles” and “Groups” membership options. I met him again recently for a video interview that I will be publishing in the next few days, in the meantime I would like to share his story. Facebook “pages” have only been around for 2 years and in that time we have seen major global brands embrace Facebook for engaging and interacting with their customers with some major brands Facebook pages fan subscribers now approaching 40 million and providing another way to communicate that goes beyond traditional media and email.

So what were the key elements to acquiring the 40,000 fans and what strategies did he use to continue to engage and nurture the Facebook fans for SUPRE’s fashion brand? Stage 1. Why Use Facebook? 1. How To Deal With Critics And Trolls On Facebook Pages. As your page grows in popularity and starts to attract hundreds and thousands of likes, it will also begin to see unwelcome attention from the less-savory members of larger online communities. While this is a largely unavoidable side effect of popularity, page administrators can take steps to manage critics and trolls.

Critics: These commenters may hurt a brand’s image by filling a page wall with negative assessments of the brand’s identity, products, or services. Critics can be difficult to identify and manage, as they can veer between being your biggest fan to most outspoken naysayer from one moment to the next. Trolls: They differ from critics in by usually having no actual interest in the brand’s products and services, and only desire to cause problems.

Trolls consistently post inflammatory, negative and disruptive messages to your page, with the sole intent of provoking an emotional reaction among the other members of your community.