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Social Media and Social Activism

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Tweet. IT CLASS 2013. Social Media Workshop. Social Media Workshop. Social Media Sharing | Encuentros de experiencias Social Media | Otro sitio realizado con WordPress. Activism On Social Media. Community activism. Article Record. Email 0 selected item(s) Email the selected 0 item(s) to the address given below. Note that both the "To" and "From" addresses must be complete (e.g., (back) Export to Refworks Clicking on the button below will send the 0 selected item(s) to Refworks.

A new window will open, and you may be asked to log into Refworks to continue. [Refworks is allowed access for about ten minutes. Choose the campus through which you use RefWorks: (back) Export or Save 0 item(s) Clicking on the link below will download the records in "RIS" format, which can be read by Endnote, Procite, Zotero, etc. You may either open the file in Endnote (or other program) directly, or save it and subsequently import it into your program. Export the selected 0 item(s) in RIS Format. Social Media Activism. Inside Indonesia - a quarterly magazine on Indonesia and its people, culture, politics, economy and environment. Indonesia is Facebooking, Twittering and blogging, but what effect is this having on campaigns for social justice?

Indonesia is online. The number of Indonesians using the internet increased from two million in 2000 to over 55 million in 2012, the fourth largest number of internet users in Asia (after China, India and Japan). Thushara Dibley This phenomenal growth in access to the internet has been supported by a rapidly growing economy as well as the widespread uptake of mobile phone technology. In 2011 a Nielsen report indicated that 48 per cent of Indonesia’s internet users went online via their mobile phones and another 13 per cent used some other type of handheld device. Indonesian ‘netizens’ have also keenly taken to new social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere. This edition provides a snapshot of the multitude of ways that Indonesian activists, politicians and ordinary citizens use new social media as a tool for activism. Inside Indonesia 110: Oct-Dec 2012.

Inside Indonesia - a quarterly magazine on Indonesia and its people, culture, politics, economy and environment. Tweets and the Streets | Social Media and Contemporary Activism. Why Social Media Is Reinventing Activism. The argument that social media fosters feel-good clicking rather than actual change began long before Malcolm Gladwell brought it up in the New Yorker — long enough to generate its own derogatory term. “Slacktivism,” as defined by Urban Dictionary, is “the act of participating in obviously pointless activities as an expedient alternative to actually expending effort to fix a problem.” If you only measure donations, social media is no champion. The national chapter of the Red Cross, for instance, has 208,500 “likes” on Facebook, more than 200,000 followers on Twitter, and a thriving blog.

But according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, online donations accounted for just 3.6% of private donations made to the organization in 2009. But social good is a movement still in its infancy. Facebook launched in 2004, YouTube in 2005 and Twitter in 2006. All of that virtual liking, following, joining, signing, forwarding, and, yes, clicking, has a lot of potential to grow into big change.

Facebook Begins Penalizing "Low Quality" Content on Pages. What’s the #1 priority of all Facebook page owners? Creating posts that get engagement & make fans take action! Often times this means posting viral photos (including memes) & updates that are completely off topic, but engaging. The idea is to get tons of engagement on these posts, increase Edgerank, & ensure your other posts (for example, link posts that drive traffic to your website) get seen by more people.

I’m all for this — and it’s a tactic we’ve employed on Post Planner’s page for quite some time. With huge success. But this tactic could soon result in a penalty by Facebook! Facebook to Penalize “Low Quality” Content Many page owners may need to re-think their post content strategy based on an announcement by Facebook about it’s news feed algorithm for page posts: Every day people see content from millions of Pages on Facebook in their News Feeds.

This sounds great — and it makes sense that Facebook is attempting to show you the right content. More from Facebook: Confused? Mari Smith. Twitter, Facebook, and social activism. At four-thirty in the afternoon on Monday, February 1, 1960, four college students sat down at the lunch counter at the Woolworth’s in downtown Greensboro, North Carolina. They were freshmen at North Carolina A. & T., a black college a mile or so away. “I’d like a cup of coffee, please,” one of the four, Ezell Blair, said to the waitress. “We don’t serve Negroes here,” she replied. The Woolworth’s lunch counter was a long L-shaped bar that could seat sixty-six people, with a standup snack bar at one end. The seats were for whites. The snack bar was for blacks. By next morning, the protest had grown to twenty-seven men and four women, most from the same dormitory as the original four.

By the following Monday, sit-ins had spread to Winston-Salem, twenty-five miles away, and Durham, fifty miles away. The world, we are told, is in the midst of a revolution. These are strong, and puzzling, claims. Some of this grandiosity is to be expected. What makes people capable of this kind of activism?