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Catalogablog. Tame The Web. Library Garden. Information Wants To Be Free. Second Life Library 2.0. LibraryBytes: Helene Blowers. Librarian in Black Blog – Sarah Houghton-Jan. – libraries, technology, UX, &c. Mathemagenic — Lilia Efimova on personal productivity in knowled. “Library on the run” Lumi'vrac (3438) Library Voice. Library Link of the Day. Library Link of the Day Today's Link for March 29, 2018:Orange City library to change how materials are grouped after complaints on LGBTQ content [Des Moines Register] What is this?

The Library Link of the Day provides you a daily link for keeping up to date with the library profession. Destinations include the latest library news, good reads on the web, and other valuable resources that a library knowledge worker should know about. The link is presented without commentary. Who is it for? If you already read ten library-related weblogs, subscribe to twenty discussion groups, and scan another thirty or so news sites, this service may not be for you. Can I get the link delivered? You can sign up to receive the daily link via e-mail. Name (Optional): E-mail: An RSS feed is also available.

Where are the older links? This service is run by John Hubbard (write to me). The wingspan of a Boeing 747 jet is longer than the Wright Brothers’ first flight. The Shifted Librarian. Librarian in Black Blog – Sarah Houghton-Jan. LibraryCrunch. Infomancy. Anyone who has travelled by air recently should be quite familiar with the concept of security theater; the complex set of TSA rituals designed to make us feel more safe (or at least to make the TSA feel like they are making us feel safe) while not actually addressing any of the real safety issues. Is your library guilty of this as well? How many of the library policies and procedures that we adopt are created for the actual advancement of our mission, and how many exist simply as policy theater?

The biggest problem with security theater is that often the most basic safety measures that are most susceptible to theatrics. When it is something that has always been done, the safety measure takes on a higher power. Indeed, the measure itself becomes the authority in a recursive, self-supporting loop of justification that is almost impossible to break. Reviewing some of the library policies that pop up from a search is a bit scary. These so-called policies just don’t cut it anymore. Superpatron - Edward Vielmetti is Mobilizing the Friends of the. Here's a compilation of "ask a librarian" services in 12 of 50 states, and as many countries as I could find. Whenever possible, these will have a (verified) note by them, signifying that I was able to ask and receive an answer to a reference question. This is a work in progress. United States.

Library of Congress Ask A Librarian (Library of Congress). Organized by reading room; several have chat based help available, others are via email or phone. "The primary mission of the Library of Congress is to serve Members of the Congress and thereafter, the needs of the government, other libraries, and members of the public. The Library's staff will respond to reference and information requests in accordance with this mission. " Alabama. Alabama. Alaska. Arizona. Arizona. Arizona. Arkansas. California. Colorado. Connecticut. Delaware. Florida. Georgia. Hawaii. Idaho. Illinois. Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Michigan. Michigan. Ohio. Oregon. Washington. LISNews | Librarian And Information Science News.

David Lee King. - by Peter Morville.