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The 9/11 Truth Movement. 9/11 Truth movement. Supporters of the 9/11 Truth movement at an anti-war demonstration in Los Angeles, October 2007 Adherents of the 9/11 Truth movement dispute the accepted results of official investigations of the September 11 attacks of 2001, that al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four airliners and intentionally crashed two planes into the World Trade Center buildings and one into the Pentagon, with another unintentionally crashing in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. They claim this explanation contains significant inconsistencies which suggest, at the least, a cover-up, and at most, complicity by insiders[clarify].[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] Characteristics[edit] Name[edit] Truth movement sticker Adherents[edit] Adherents of the 9/11 Truth movement come from diverse social backgrounds.[1][22][25] The movement draws adherents from people of diverse political beliefs including liberals, conservatives, and libertarians.[3][19][25] Views[edit] Communication[edit] History[edit] In 2006, Steven E.

[edit] [edit] Truth Action (truthaction) sur Twitter. Rogue Leader (Demand911Truth) sur Twitter. ARTISTS FOR 9-11 TRUTH. Magicians & Illusionists who support a new investigation into 9-11 | Magicians for 911 Truth. Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth. Muslims for 9/11 Truth. Home. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth. Lawyers for 9/11 Truth. Political Leaders for 911 Truth. Pilots For 9/11 Truth. Scientists for 9/11 Truth. Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth. Scholars for 9/11 Truth - Home. Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice. Scholars TruthJust (Scholars911TJ) sur Twitter. NYC Coalition For Accountability Now. Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth » FF 911 Truth. Galerie de Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. ‪Chaîne de ae911truth‬‏ Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 AE911Truth's new 9/11 documentary Solving the Mystery, the destruction of World Trade Center Building #7, WTC 7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner and Architect Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account ("collapse due to normal office fires") of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds - and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall. Solving the Mystery of the Free-Fall Collapse of WTC 7. This is AE911Truth's best shot at a professionally produced 15 minute informative and engaging 9/11 documentary on WTC 7 - designed for newcomers.

It is free. The documentary includes several of the dozens of technical and building experts that were interviewed and that appear in our forthcoming full length documentary - 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out. Thanks! Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth - Organisation à but non lucratif - Berkeley. Jersey Girls. The Jersey Girls or Jersey Widows refers to four American women who lost their husbands in the September 11 attacks.

All four, Kristen Breitweiser, Patty Casazza, Lorie Van Auken, and Mindy Kleinberg, were residents of New Jersey, and helped lobby the U.S. government to carry out an investigation into the terrorist attacks, resulting in the formation of the 9/11 Commission and the subsequent report released by the Commission. Establishment of the 9/11 Commission[edit] Survivors and family members of the victims were the most vocal and persistent in the call for the creation of an independent commission to investigate the 9/11 attacks. The leaders of several 9/11 family groups began to work together to lobby political leaders. Kean became the Commission's Chairman after Henry Kissinger resigned the position; according to Peter Lance, "The Jersey Girls could take some of the credit for his hasty departure.

" We were shocked. Appointment of Philip D. The eventual appointment of Philip D. 9/11 Family Steering Committee. The 9/11 Family Steering Committee was an organization of twelve relatives of victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center.[1] Members of the Committee included the Jersey Girls. It was part of the 9/11 Families Movement and was set up to monitor the work of the 9/11 Commission. History[edit] The now-defunct group was an offshoot of the Coalition for an Independent 9/11 Commission, which advocated the creation of an independent commission to investigate the failures that made 9/11 possible. The coalition represented a wide array of 9/11 families' organizations, including Families of September 11, Sept. 11 Advocates (also known as "The Jersey Girls"), and Voices of September 11. Although the call for a commission was initially resisted by the Bush Administration, the coalition eventually prevailed in the creation of the 9/11 Commission.

The Washington Post stated: Steering committee monitoring of the 9/11 Commission[edit] They stated Media coverage[edit] References[edit] 9/11: Press For Truth. 9/11: Press for Truth. 9/11: Press for Truth is a 2006 documentary film about the September 11 attacks on the United States, directed by the American filmmaker Ray Nowosielski, and partially based on The Terror Timeline, by Paul Thompson.

Development and release[edit] Filmmakers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy first became interested in making a film about the September 11 attacks when they found Paul Thompson's Complete 911 Timeline website in spring 2003. After obtaining funding, they met Thompson in September 2004, who agreed to let them adapt his work. The filmmakers also met Kyle Hence, who had co-founded 9/11 Citizens Watch, an advocacy organization which monitored the activities of the 9/11 Commission on behalf of the public and was in close contact with the 9/11 Family Steering Committee.

Production ended in December 2005, with post-production completed in July 2006. The film premiered theatrically in September 2006 in New York City and the San Francisco Bay area. Summary[edit] Reception[edit] Journalists & Other Media Professionals for 9/11 Truth. Thank you for your interest in discovering and reporting the truth. We are a non-partisan organization whose goals are to inspire, organize and unite media professionals to first uncover and then report on what really happened on September 11, 2001. These efforts, along with those of other professional organizations, will ultimately lead to the convening of a real investigatory body where seeking the truth will be the guiding principle, not political expediency. The importance of the media as a prime mover is encapsulated in the quotes below. We invite you to browse our website, read the materials, and, hopefully, sign our petition of support for a new 9/11 investigation. With your time and effort a new investigation will be increasingly likely.

We sincerely appreciate your contribution. “[Edmund] Burke said that there were three Estates in Parliament [Kings, Lords and Commons], but in the Reporters Gallery yonder, there sat a fourth Estate more important far than they all.”