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Mains, sides, entrees. Milks, cheeses, icecream. Recipe sites. Chocolate, biscuits, cakes and desserts. Bread. Cooking tips, conversions, vegan subs etc. Breakfast, drinks and smoothies. To be veganized. Quick N Easy Quiche Crust Recipe - - 18185. Eating for Happiness. Happiness centers around several important neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamaine, endorphins, phenylethylamine, and anandamide.

Eating for Happiness

Serotonin is popularly known as the “feel-good hormone,” or your body’s own natural tranquilizer, hence the happiness factor. This is the neurotransmitter that antidepressants target in order to boost overall happiness levels. Up to 90 percent of your body’s total serotonin is located in your gut, where it regulates intestinal movement. The remainder is synthesized in your central nervous system and helps regulate mood, appetite, sleep, muscle contraction, and some cognitive functions including memory and learning.

Dopamine is both a neurotransmitter and a neurohormone, produced in your brain. Some general eating tips for increasing your happiness: Eliminate processed foods. Foods that can make you happy include: Spinach: Dark, leafy vegetables are among the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat. Other strategies for enhancing your mood: Like this: Recipes for Cherry Wine, Limoncello, Walnut Rum Liquor, Cherry / Blood Plum Vinegar. Cherry Wine / Port Recipes Suggestions for use.

Recipes for Cherry Wine, Limoncello, Walnut Rum Liquor, Cherry / Blood Plum Vinegar

Try this mixed with soda water or lemonade for a cool thirst-quenching drink.Also can be mixed with champagne to make a dangerous good drink! In winter try a little nip at room temperature to warm you up.Pour some over ice cream! This wine can be mulled with addition of orange peel and cinnamon. Just warm it, don't bring it to the boil as you will lose the alcohol.Use this with a trifle, with sponge cake, custard jelly and whipped cream.Reduce the wine by boiling in a pot and then pour over a half cooked leg of lamb with rosemary.

Limoncello Recipes Suggestions for Use Drink as cold as you can get it or just pour over ice. Limoncello Triffle Prick about a punnet of blueberries with a fork and put them in a dish with about a tablespoon of Limoncello.Leave over night if possible.Put sponge cake, whipped cream lemon curd and blueberry mixture in layers in a dish and refrigerate. Walnut Rum Liquor Recipes. Homemade Cherry-Flavored Vinegar Recipe. Sometimes I have in my head a scene where I put a cherry in front of a duck and tell that duck* that it and the cherry are meant for each other.

Homemade Cherry-Flavored Vinegar Recipe

The imagined scene often ends with the duck giving me an indignant stare, holding up the middle pointy end of one of its webbed feet. Yet, I figure, with or without an approving quack from our feathered friend, this is definitely a case of anyone of us knowing better than the duck: duck and cherries go together. And the reason I mentioned duck is because the making of this cherry vinegar was undeniably duck-induced. The fact that the cherry season is approaching was certainly part of the reason I stayed up late one night making vinegar, but the main driving force was — believe me — an inexplicable craving for a salad with duck confit. Using my go-to cranberry vinegar recipe from Blue Ribbon Preserves by Linda J. Printable Version *Of course, I have to talk to the duck!

**I tried rice vinegar and didn’t like it.