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Science The Surfing Scientist › The Surfing Scientist (ABC Science) Introduction to Forensic Science — University of Strathclyde. The course addresses four major evidence types: drugs of abuse, DNA, firearms and impression evidence, and discusses these through the exploration of a case-based scenario presented across a six-week modular framework.

A murder case set on the murky shores of Loch Lomond provides the backbone to ‘Introduction to Forensic Science’. As the case unfolds each week, a number of evidence types, and the forensic science approaches that may be used to evaluate the evidence, are explored. In the first week we will set the scene and look at how the initial crime scene is processed. Subsequent weeks will introduce various types of evidence including drugs of abuse, fingerprints, DNA, footwear marks and firearms. Course material is supplemented with opportunities to check understanding and engage with fellow learners, as well as the course leaders, who have international reputations in the field of forensic science. Search Engine Ninja Skills! Anyone Can Do It! 173 Shares Google+ 29 Twitter 98 Facebook 30 LinkedIn 14 inShare14 Reddit 0 Pin It Share 2 2 Buffer 0 173 Shares × I’m old enough to remember when there was (GASP!)

Search Engine Ninja Skills! Anyone Can Do It!

No internet. If someone’s number wasn’t in the phone book, you just didn’t call them. If you wanted to know the population of Bulgaria, you had to manhandle a ten-pound encyclopedia that had all the facts from 1974. Then they invented Google. Using Symbols to Focus Your Search You can type the squiggle (or tilde for you more serious people) before your search word to include synonyms of that word. The hyphen symbol can be used to take words OUT of your search. You can use Google as a quick calculator. Adding Words and Phrases to Enhance Your Search Try adding “similar to, better than, or reminds me of” followed by names of websites you already love and you will find some that you never knew existed!

You can use Google as a free proxy. When you want answers, think Jeopardy!


Biology. Physics. The Association for Science Education. Science Projects Experiments, Educational Toys & Science Toys. Experiments You Can Do At Home. Are you a homeschooler, tech geek, or just someone with a love of science and some time to kill?

Experiments You Can Do At Home

Then you will love the below 52 totally awesome science experiments you can do at home. Whether you have kids, are a kid, or just one at heart, there are many experiments for people of all ages and levels. And if you do one a week, you can fill an entire year and home with the results of all of these experiments. Totally Awesome Science Experiments You Can Do At Home with Kids Grab a kid to help in these awesome science experiments you can do with them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Totally Awesome Science Experiments You Can Do At Home with Older Kids Older kids along with their parents and teachers will enjoy these science experiments. 9. 10. Welcome to the NCBE. SCORE. Getting Practical - Improving Practical Work in Science. Science is Fun in the Lab of Shakhashiri. Toys in Space DVD. This website is a resource component connected with the Toys in Space Investigation, a videoconferencing module offered by NASA's Digital Learning Network.

The videoconference allows students to play the role of scientists and engineers in examining the physics of popular toys and games in the classroom and try to answer the question: Will this toy work in microgravity? The four toys featured (soccer, jump rope, kendama, and boomerang) are from the International Toys in Space video; a thirty-two-minute video program available from NASA Education. If your class is participating in the DLN Toys in Space Investigation module, you will need to download the following document which contains background information about the program, pre and post classroom activities, and other relevant information. Toys in Space Investigation (DLN) Teacher Guide (PDF) Student Investigation Document (PDF) Boomerang Template (PDF) The Naked Scientists Online, Science Podcast and Science Radio Show.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.