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Best Resources on Customer Service

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There are many terms for it--customer satisfaction, user experience... you name it. Yet one fact remains: customer service has grown to play a major role in the global economy.

Here are the best articles, guides, and resources about the customer service industry.

Dos and Don'ts of Outsourcing Your Customer Support. Customer support outsourcing is now becoming a popular strategy for many companies, regardless of their size.

Dos and Don'ts of Outsourcing Your Customer Support

One of the most common reasons is that it is a cost-effective practice to do so—but if this is your only motivation, then you may need to revisit other focus areas for your outsourcing strategy. Customer-centric models are becoming effective nowadays, with 76% of consumers evaluating customer service as a parameter of how a brand values them. That said,your support team’s job is to know your buyers better, so your marketing and sales team can come up with better products, services, and after-sales initiatives that can satisfy them. Professionals in the field will help you zero in on this data so that you can make better business decisions. If you look at the bigger picture, you will also find that more than 37% of businesses outsource to improve efficiency. 10 Email Phrases That Makes You Sound Less Human. Email is the most important form of communication to support every business there is.

10 Email Phrases That Makes You Sound Less Human

Although despite the constant back and forth emailing, there are still instances wherein people use email phrases the wrong way. Your recipient must understand your message at first glance because no business needs to re-read every email they get. We’ve compiled the top 10 email phrases that make senders sound less genuine than they intend to. 6 Types of Customer Support: Which Works Best for Your Industry? Customer service, while not the primary service a brand may offer, is one of the most important aspects of a business.

6 Types of Customer Support: Which Works Best for Your Industry?

5 Common Issues in E-commerce Customer Service and How to Solve Them. The e-commerce industry is continuously on the rise.

5 Common Issues in E-commerce Customer Service and How to Solve Them

In 2019, retail e-commerce sales reached US$3.5 trillion globally—up by 165% since 2014, indicating how much technology revolutionized commercial activity. Thanks to the introduction of digital platforms, these advancements have provided thousands of opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs. If you’re looking to start a business in this day and age, building a strong online presence is a great way to ensure your success. But with more companies going digital, you need to look for ways to stand out from the competition.

Inbound vs. Outbound Customer Support: What’s the Difference? - Outsourcing Philippines. First, let’s define inbound customer support.

Inbound vs. Outbound Customer Support: What’s the Difference? - Outsourcing Philippines

It is when customers are actively seeking assistance from support lines to help them with an on-going problem. Traditionally, interactions between agents and customers are through calls. Although with the peak of social media, a new support platform appears. Should I Call a Technical Support Hotline Now? 5 Reasons Your Customers Hate Calling Tech Support (and How to Fix It) 1.

5 Reasons Your Customers Hate Calling Tech Support (and How to Fix It)

Landlines Landlines are essential in contacting customer service, but since more people have smartphones than landlines, so they opt for mobile instead. Additionally, there is a phone menu wherein customers follow steps; press 1 for this concern or press 2 for that inquiry before you get to talk to a tech support agent. This is the start of the terror when calling tech support. 2. Given the points above, customers are faced with a long queuing line for tech support. 3.

Everything You Need to Know About Inbound Customer Support. What is Inbound Customer Support?

Everything You Need to Know About Inbound Customer Support

Inbound customer support is the process of addressing the needs of your customers. Throughout your business’ run, some of your clients will be faced with certain issues regarding your products and services. INSIGHTS: The Guthrie-Jensen Blog 5 Capital Sins to Avoid in Customer Service. 7 Businesses That Raised the Bar for Customer Service. People share almost everything on social media, sometimes, a little too much.

7 Businesses That Raised the Bar for Customer Service

Admittedly, it’s the stories about a company’s wins and gaffes on customer service that catch the attention—and rightfully so. After all, everyone is a customer one way or another. You may be judging the company by its hashtags nowadays, but there are legitimate organizations that measure customer satisfaction with proper metrics, such as the US American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), which ranks companies based on customer evaluations of their goods and services.

Aside from US-based firms, they also rank international organizations with substantial US market shares. Outside of the ASCI rankings though, the following companies have made waves for raising the bar for customer service: 1. Over the last few years, Chick-fil-A saw many ups and downs. 2. ACSI said that retail giant Amazon “has mastered the combination of value, satisfaction, and delivery efficiency that consumers love.” 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

INSIGHTS: The Guthrie-Jensen Blog How May I Help You? How to Handle Customer Service on Holidays. A Simple Guide to Understanding Tech Support Jargon - IntelligentBee. 6 Lessons on Customer Service from the Four Comma Club. In August 2018, Apple became the first American public company to reach $1 trillion market value.

6 Lessons on Customer Service from the Four Comma Club

The company enjoyed their solo stay at the top until a month later in September, when Amazon joined in. And while Amazon’s stock did quickly roll back to below a trillion in total, it has become evident that businesses can reach this feat, and that the race to the trillion continues. However remarkable this may be for the American-owned corporations, it’s not an impossible achievement to accomplish, as companies founded in other countries have done it before. But it’s important to note that the US tech sector has been enjoying growth in the global stock market over the last few years, and this might have contributed to the trillion-dollar feat.

Financial commentators and investors have expected this to happen, seeing that technology share prices ended strong in 2017 and are continually booming this 2018. 10 Brilliant Examples of Tech Support Gone Wrong - IntelligentBee. Most businesses these days rely on stable internet connections and complex computer systems to handle their daily operations.

10 Brilliant Examples of Tech Support Gone Wrong - IntelligentBee

So when something goes haywire in your network or device, who you gonna call? Your amazing tech support team (nope, not the Ghostbusters)! Millennials vs Gen Z: How Their Customer Care Preferences Compare. Millennials vs Gen Z: How Their Customer Care Preferences Compare Posted by Guthrie-Jensen Consultants When it comes to customer service, there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy – various markets require different approaches. While both millennials and Gen Z are both extremely tech-savvy, each generation has distinct client care nuances and preferences.

Millennials were born between 1979 to the early 1990s, and this generation is already well into their professional years. Following close behind are the Gen Zers or post-millennials who were born during the mid-1990s until 2010. The distinction between the two generations may have gotten quite blurry, but it’s imperative for businesses to study the differences and determine how they can best deliver the customer care expectations of each generation. How a Multi-Language Customer Support Empowers Your Business. The internet has transformed the way humans transact and communicate, highlighting how diverse language is. Modern globalisation is the pathway that led companies to face more international clients now than before. However, language barriers still exist, and this can interfere with a buyer’s experience. 6 Technologies to Fix Your Poorly-Designed Service Desk System. Excellent customer service has always been essential in business growth.

To ensure that your customers will retain and speak good things about your services to other people, incorporating customer support technology should be considered such as having a service desk that will provide a single point of contact between your company and customers, employees, and business partners. A service desk can handle incidents (disruption in service availability or quality), service requests (inquiries with a routine task), and other services like change management, release management, and configuration. 7 Efficiency Tips to Improving Your Email Support. Every customer service channel is an opportunity for your brand to provide a positive customer experience, build customer relationship, and increase customer loyalty.

However, not all businesses provide efficient and effective customer email support. In today’s digital age, people no longer have the patience to call a hotline. How Instagram Story Can Improve Your Customer Experience. The world of mobile apps is getting more and more exciting by the day. Take Instagram, for example. The photo-sharing platform continues to evolve since Facebook acquired it in 2012.

With 800 million users around the world, Instagram has been working hard to engage digital consumers with memorable photo and video content. IG Story is one of the fruits of that labor. This IG in-app feature lets Instagrammers share highlights of their day by choosing a bunch of photos and videos to add to the story. 6 Delivery Issues that Destroy Brand Reputation. 18 Apr, 2018 By Nick Hartman. 4 Customer-Oriented CEOs and What We Can Learn from Them.

Forget “Best” or “Sincerely,” This Email Closing Gets the Most Replies. When you’re drafting an email, ending it is the easiest part. 7 Trends That Will Impact Customer Engagement in 2018. Untitled. Untitled. What Makes Up An Effective Customer Relationship Management System [Infographic] 6 Essential Traits in Outsourcing Help Desk Support Team [Infographic] 5 Useful Customer Support Tools for Your Service Desk - APEX Global. Keeping customers happy is no easy feat. In fact, there are many challenges that service desk analysts face on a daily basis. How to Use Your Customer Service Experience to Find a New Job. 8 Salesforce Hacks Admins Should Know - APEX Global. If there’s a way to do things faster with the same efficiency and accuracy, who wouldn’t grab it? Tips On How To Handle Racist Customers - Racism or negative ethnicity should have no place in a business environment.

Negative comments about a person’s skin color, ethnicity or culture is very offensive and unacceptable in any social situation. Sadly you might come across a number of customers, who have adopted the ideology that a particular race, ethnic group, or tribe is inferior. Dealing with such racist customers can be very difficult, especially when their negative remarks are as a result of anger. Great Customer Service Story - The Locksmith - 5 Ways Omni-Channel Engagement Improves Customer Experience. The business landscape is ever-evolving with the newest innovations and technologies that influence consumer needs and demands. If fifteen years ago, placing a newspaper ad would dramatically increase your store’s foot traffic, it’s not the same today.