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Narrative. Turn on the poetry. Heart Songs | Narrative Magazine. A Story by Annie Proulx Snipe drove along through a ravine of mournful hemlocks, gravel snapping against the underside of the Peugeot. He had been driving for an hour, past trailers and shacks on the back roads, the yards littered with country junk—rusty oil drums, collapsed stacks of rotten boards, plastic toys smeared with mud, worn tires cut into petal shapes and filled with weeds.

He slowed down to look at these proofs of poor lives the same way other drivers gaped at accidents on the highway, the same way he had once, years before, looked out a train window into a lighted room where someone sprawled naked on a mattress, a hand reaching for a cheap bottle. Please log in to access the full content. Flare | Data Visualization for the Web. Center for Digital Storytelling - Home. Faith Ringgold - For the Woman's House. Storytelling-cartoon. Use more of the alternative storytelling. In the wake of its EyeTrack study, the Poynter Institute found that alternative storytelling techniques, such as graphics or a Q&A, can often be a more effective means to convey information in fact-heavy stories (both online and in print).

“We found that alt story forms like a Q&A, a timeline, a fact box or a by-the-numbers box helped readers remember facts presented to them. Readers of prototype 3 — the most visually graphic version, without a traditional narrative — answered the most questions correctly,” says Sara Quinn, Poynter Institute. The alternative forms drew more attention than text, particularly in broadsheets. This, of course, doesn’t mean that all stories should be using alternative forms.

These forms work best to provide quick facts in a bundled story, “providing a way to handle numbers, time, location and juxtaposition references in a simple, comparative way,” says Quinn. Source: Poynter Institute. Elements of Narrative Literature flashcards.