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Kaplinski - BenjaminSeroussi. +...RICH of EVE...+: +...YoRkShiRe DiAmOnD...+ Various Architects' project "Yorkshire Diamond" was a finalist in the open international competition for a mobile pavilion for Yorkshire Forward.

+...RICH of EVE...+: +...YoRkShiRe DiAmOnD...+

The Yorkshire Diamond Pavilion is a unique and iconic venue that is designed to represent Yorkshire Forward at events around Yorkshire and Humber or further abroad. The project is an attraction in itself with a striking exterior in the form of inflatable tubes arranged in the atomic structure of diamonds. The 20 x 26 x 10 meter diamond grid volume is mined out to form a cavernous interior space reminiscent of the coal mines of Yorkshire. Light and air shafts pierce the structure providing natural light and ventilation. At night the translucent shafts and outer skin radiate light in all colors and directions like a diamond twinkling in the sunlight.

A focus on flexibility gives the pavilion multiple configurations which allow it to be used for everything from small gatherings to large conferences or public presentations. Thanks 2 Behance. Utopías. A raíz de la Megastructure Reloaded en Berlin, renació mi interés por los diseños utópicos de las décadas de 1960 y 1970.


Hablar del porqué de su importancia en esa época, así como de su revaloración en la actualidad es un tema muy interesante, ya que simplemente se nos demuestra lo cíclico del comportamiento humano y por ello, de las problemáticas sociales, culturales, políticas y espaciales. Es también cíclica la búsqueda de soluciones, de los desarrollos tecnológicos y de las relaciones socio-políticas de la arquitectura con otras disciplinas. Más después del salto… Para situarnos, en el año 1961 se forma en Londres el grupo Archigram, cuyos miembros eran arquitectos jóvenes (Warren Chalk, Peter Cook, Dennis Crompton, David Greene, Ron Herron and Michael Webb) que promulgaban un uso intenso de las altas tecnologías para solucionar los problemas de habitabilidad que afrontaba el Reino Unido -y el mundo- por aquellos años.

Blog Editions HYX - À paraître "Architectures expérimentales-Collection FRAC Centre". V.2. Une Histoire de l'architecture utopique et prospective L'intérêt pour l'architecture et l'art contemporain (grands projets, expositions, édition) n'a eu de cesse de se développer ces dernières années en France et à l'international.

Blog Editions HYX - À paraître "Architectures expérimentales-Collection FRAC Centre". V.2

Avec ses collections uniques, le Fonds régional d'art contemporain de la région Centre (FRAC Centre - Orléans, France) compte aujourd’hui parmi les établissements culturels les plus prestigieux à l’international dans le domaine de l’art et de l’architecture. Dans le cadre de l'ouverture du nouveau FRAC Centre conçu par l'agence Jakob+MacFarlane (septembre 2013), les Éditions HYX éditent avec Le FRAC Centre deux ouvrages -Architectures expérimentales 1950-2012 et Art & Architecture- présentant les collections exceptionnelles de l'établissement.

Instant City - Archigram Peter Cook (1968-1970) - Frac Centre Les 145 architectes A Raimund Abraham, Actar Arquitectura, Georges Adilon, A.J.S. Les essais • Back to Black, Mark Wigley • Le mouvement radical, Andrea Branzi. The Ron Resch Paper and Stick Film. Digestible gulf stream - Philippe Rahm architectes. Clickimages fullscreen Digestible gulf stream Architecture as meteorology, architecture as gastronomy The problem of global warming has placed as the relationship between climate and architecture at the center of current preoccupations.

Digestible gulf stream - Philippe Rahm architectes

In order to assume our responsibility in the face of these new ecological concerns, we must make the most of the moment in order to reappraise the field of architecture in a broader way, extending it to other dimensions, other perceptions, from the physiological to the atmospheric, from the sensorial to the meteorological, from the gastronomic to the climatic. A ‘Digestible Gulf Stream’ is the prototype for architecture that works between the neurologic and the atmospheric, developing like a landscape that is simultaneously gastronomic and thermal. Architecture as Meteorology Architecture should no longer builds spaces, but rather create temperatures and atmospheres. Each one of these solutions is architecture. Team Andrej Bernik, Cyril Assaad partner client. Internacional. Full Library. Enter your own text...

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