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Formació Business Angels. Formació. Generacion de modelos de negocio - Alexander Osterwalder. Zero to One Peter Thiel. The Lean Startup .pdf. COM CREAR LA TEVA EMPRESA... i no morir en l'intent. How To Build A Startup: The Lean Launchpad. Get Your Startup Started. Los fundadores de Khan Academy y de Coursera definen 5 grandes desafíos para la Educación tecnológica. Ser un emprendedor en el área de la educación puede ser una tarea agotadora en estos días.

Los fundadores de Khan Academy y de Coursera definen 5 grandes desafíos para la Educación tecnológica

Solamente pregúntenle a Salma Khan – fundador de Khan Academy, un portal educativo online sin animo de lucro – quien a las 9 a.m. el lunes ya había grabado 8 videos para su website de 10 millones de usuarios mensuales. “Me levanté temprano hoy” Le dijo a la revista The Atlantic Magazine’s en Sillicon Valley en su inauguración en Mountain view.

Desde que fundó Khan Academy en el 2006, Khan estima que ha hecho alrededor de 3.000 videos educativos. Sin embargo, En ese mismo periodo el mercado de la educación tecnológica obtenía el mismo crecimiento multitudinal. Proyectos emprendedores, Universidades y una gran cantidad de empresas empezaron a apuntarle a la educación virtual. 1. Los cursos online se han proclamado como una oportunidad para tener accesos a la educación de calidad para cualquiera que tenga acceso a Internet. 2. 3. 4. 5. MOOCs, prueba y error en Stanford - Revista de Educación Virtual. Muchos instructores de MOOC se han dado cuenta que enseñar usando MOOCs no es tan diferente a enseñar cara a cara, al menos a las clases magistrales frente a un gran auditorio, dice Scott Klemmer, profesor de Ciencias Cognitivas y Ciencias de Cómputo de la Universidad de California, y dado que los MOOC han sido muy utilizados durante el último año, es mas fácil saber lo que otros instructores han experimentado.

MOOCs, prueba y error en Stanford - Revista de Educación Virtual

“Cuando tenemos la misma clase dada múltiples veces, la principal pregunta es ¿Cuál es el rol del profesor?” Dice Klemmer, quien también ha sido docente en Stanford. App Monetization. Lesson 1: Introducing Monetization Developing an appropriate monetization strategy is comparable to finding the product/market fit for a new idea.

This lesson will get you started on the path to finding that strategy by helping you think about profitability from the very beginning. You will also learn about different monetization models, profit margins, KPIs, and customer acquisition and retention. App Marketing. Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Healthcare in Emerging Economies. This is an Archived Course EdX keeps courses open for enrollment after they end to allow learners to explore content and continue learning.

Entrepreneurship and Healthcare in Emerging Economies

All features and materials may not be all available. Check back often to see when new course start dates are announced. Entrepreneurship and Healthcare in Emerging Economies aims to engage students in an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding the nature of complex health problems throughout the world, with an illustrative focus on South Asia. Students will become acquainted with prior attempts to address these problems, to identify points of opportunity for smart entrepreneurial efforts, and to propose and develop their own candidate solutions. Throughout, the emphasis is on individual agency—what can the learner do to address a defined problem? HarvardX pursues the science of learning. Entrepreneurial Opportunities. Do you have a business idea, but you’re not sure if it’s going to fly?

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Or maybe you know you want to be an entrepreneur, but you’re not sure where to start? This business course is for anyone aspiring to be an entrepreneur – regardless of the industry or type of venture you might have in mind. This course offers an overview of the guiding principles that underpin the entrepreneurial process, providing you with practical tips and grounded theory to evaluate your entrepreneurial opportunity, team and resources.

DO Your Venture: Entrepreneurship for Everyone. Course Syllabus WEEK 1 covers the DO YOUR VENTURE course philosophy and introduces some common paths that entrepreneurs take towards finally launching their venture.

DO Your Venture: Entrepreneurship for Everyone

This first week also addresses some of the common misconceptions about being an entrepreneur. WEEK 2 focuses on the theme of IDEA GENERATION and serves as an introduction to some quick tools and techniques that can be leveraged by anyone to generate a portfolio of ideas from which to choose. WEEK 3 takes the next step and introduces ways and means of EVALUATING IDEAS generated during week 2. This essentially would entail literally going out on the road, meeting a lot of people and field testing your ideas by seeking feedback.

Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer? This is an Archived Course EdX keeps courses open for enrollment after they end to allow learners to explore content and continue learning.

Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer?

All features and materials may not be all available. Entrepreneurship 101: ¿Quién es tu cliente? Creativity & Entrepreneurship. Creativity & Entrepreneurship will help you tap into your inner creativity and learn how to leverage it for career development or business innovation.

Creativity & Entrepreneurship

Presented by Berklee Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship founder Panos Panay, this course features interviews with world renown entrepreneurs, innovators, songwriters, producers, creative directors, educators, performers, visual artists and chefs as they discuss parallels between the creative and entrepreneurial journeys. The course approaches entrepreneurship as a creative process, a fundamental human instinct that we all possess and can unlock.

Creativity & Entrepreneurship applies concepts from the creative and musical creation process, such as observing, prototyping, iterating and embracing failure, as a means of guiding you through the concept of thinking like a startup. Creativity & Entrepreneurship is about the side of entrepreneurship you won’t learn at a business school but, instead, in the music studio. User Innovation: A Path to Entrepreneurship. We’ll let you in on a secret.

User Innovation: A Path to Entrepreneurship

Innovation isn’t confined inside the walls of research labs swarming with PhDs. More often than not, innovation is about ordinary people solving problems that matter to them personally. This could be you. First, think about what you need. Next, find out whether others want the same thing. The examples of user innovation are infinite. Entrepreneurship 102: What can you do for your customer? Ask not what your customer can do for you – ask what you can do for your customer.

Entrepreneurship 102: What can you do for your customer?

In Entrepreneurship 101, you’ve learned to look at the world through the eyes of the customer – and ah, what a great perspective it is! But the journey doesn’t stop there. For the holy grail of specificity – while already within reach – there is still much to learn before obtaining it. Just as important as finding your customer is creating a great product that will solve the customer’s problem.

Entrepreneurship 102: ¿Que puedes hacer por tu cliente? Introduction to Venture Capital: How to Get Money for your Startup. Implementation and Evaluation of Educational Technology. This course provides a practical overview for selecting, implementing, and evaluating educational technology initiatives.

Implementation and Evaluation of Educational Technology

Schools are recognizing the potential for technology to transform teaching and learning. However, bringing technology into the classroom in a productive way is easier said than done. How do educators and others decide what kind and type of educational technology to use in the classroom?