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Are you having a sad day? Listen to songs online. Unusual Begging Cat Cute. Top 20 music games you can play online. Rhythm games, compose-your-own-music games, memorise the tune game, even music fighting games... we have them all and more.

Top 20 music games you can play online

If you like music and you like gaming, then we hope you will enjoy our list of 20 music games that can be played in your browser for free. Without further ado, to the games: 1Take a Walk 2Vuvu Hero Our second game could not be more different than our first.

Complete randomness

Deep. 20 Facts You May Not Know About Harry Potter. It all ends this Friday.

20 Facts You May Not Know About Harry Potter

To celebrate the release of Deathly Hallows 2, here’s 20 lesser-known facts about the Harry Potter franchise. (the last several images were created by me). You May Also Like: That's Why I Dumped You - It's Not Me, It's You. Too Awkward. One Sentence - True stories, told in one sentence.

The Oddest Things I Hear.