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Guide to String Formatting with Python - Kite Blog. Using the code Module to Debug Python with an Interactive Console. Introduction Debugging is a part of the software development process where programmers look for and then resolve issues that prevent the software from running correctly. A useful and quick tool for debugging is the Python code module because it can be used to emulate the interactive interpreter. The module also provides the opportunity for you to experiment with code that you write in Python. Understanding the code Module Rather than step through code with a debugger, you can add the code module to your Python program to instruct the program to stop execution and enter into the interactive mode in order to examine how your code is working. This is useful because you are able to leverage an interpreter without sacrificing the complexity and permanence that programming files can provide. The function with its possible parameters are as follows: code.interact(banner=None, readfunc=None, local=None, exitmsg=None) The optional parameters are as follows: Working with the code Module

Drew's Blog. The Mouse Vs. The Python. TheDesignatedGeek.Com. Pythonic Perambulations. The Mouse Vs. The Python. InformIT Python Articles. Doug Hellmann | Python, OpenStack, etc. Galacticsurfer's blog - Hacks,Tricks and Tips to live life the easy way ! Ned Batchelder's Blog. PyCon 2014 is over, and as usual, I loved every minute. There are a huge number of people that I know there, and about 5 different sub-communities that I feel an irrationally strong attachment to. Some highlights: I gave a talk entitled Getting Started Testing, which people seemed to like, though if you are interested, I can point out the five places I messed up...Jenny turned me into a cute illustration, which was a fun surprise.I was super-proud of Michelle Fulwood, who has been working on an Arabic learning tool at Boston Python project nights, and always demurred when I brought up the idea of her talking about it.

But Sunday morning, she gave a kick-ass lightning talk about it! My head is still spinning from the high-energy four days I've had, I'm sure I'm leaving out an important high point. I just love every minute! On the downside, I did not see as much of Montreal as I would have liked, but we'll be back for PyCon 2015, so I have a second chance! He's really excited about RISD. Planet Python. Nuitka Home and Blog of Kay Hayen | Nuitka Home and Blog of Kay Hayen. PyPy Status Blog. The Mypy Language Blog. PythonAnywhere forums: all posts. PyPI - the Python Package Index.

Reader - Python News. Stevey's Blog Rants. How not to write Python code – Ikke's blog. Lately I’ve been reading some rather unclean Python code. Maybe this is mainly because the author(s) of the code had no in-depth knowledge of the Python language itself, the ‘platform’ delivered with cPython,… Here’s a list of some of the mistakes you should really try to avoid when writing Python code: Some days ago RealNitro pointed me at this list of essential Python readings. “Idiomatic Python” is a must-read, even for experienced Python developers. That’s about it for now, maybe I’ll add some more items to this list later on. If you have some other hints, comments! Posted in Development, Technology. Tagged with Development, python. By Nicolas – February 8, 2008. Neopythonic - Guido's Blog. Reader -