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Developer’s Guide — Python Developer's Guide. This guide is a comprehensive resource for contributing to Python – for both new and experienced contributors. It is maintained by the same community that maintains Python. We welcome your contributions to Python! Proposing changes to Python itself Improving Python’s code, documentation and tests are ongoing tasks that are never going to be “finished”, as Python operates as part of an ever-evolving system of technology.

An even more challenging ongoing task than these necessary maintenance activities is finding ways to make Python, in the form of the standard library and the language definition, an even better tool in a developer’s toolkit. While these kinds of change are much rarer than those described above, they do happen and that process is also described as part of this guide: Also refer to Where should I suggest new features and language changes?

Other Interpreter Implementations There are other Python implementations, each with a different focus. Overview — Python v2.6 documentation. Python Programming Language – Official Website. List of Python software. Integrated development environments for Python[edit] Python package managers and Python distributions[edit] Applications[edit] Web applications[edit] Video games[edit] Web frameworks[edit] Graphics frameworks[edit] Pygame, Python bindings for SDLPanda3D, a 3D game engine for PythonPython Imaging Library, a module for working with imagesPython-Ogre, a Python Language binding for the OGRE 3D engineSoya3D, a high-level 3D game engine for Python UI frameworks[edit] appJar, cross-platform, open source GUI library for Python.

Scientific packages[edit] Mathematical libraries[edit] Additional development packages[edit] Embedded as a scripting language[edit] Python is, or can be used as the scripting language in these software products: Commercial uses[edit] Python implementations[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] What is Nuitka | Nuitka Home and Blog of Kay Hayen. Now Right now Nuitka is a good replacement for the Python interpreter and compiles every construct that all relevant CPython versions, and even irrelevant ones, like 2.6 and 3.3 offer. It translates the Python into a C program that then is linked against libpython to execute in the same way as CPython does, in a very compatible way.

It is somewhat faster than CPython already, but currently it doesn't make all the optimizations possible, but a 312% factor on pystone is a good start (number is from version 0.6.0 and Python 2.7). Future In the future, Nuitka will be able to use type inference and guessing by doing whole program analysis and then applying the results to perform as many calculations as possible. It will also be possible to integrate ctypes based bindings without the normal speed penalty (the compiled program will call the C library directly without the use of ctypes run time). Where is it now? With milestone 2, it is considered reached. And milestone 5+6 are not even started.

Juancarlospaco/nuitka-gui. Cython. Overview[edit] Cython is a compiled language that generates CPython extension modules. These extension modules can then be loaded and used by regular Python code using the import statement. Cython is written in Python and works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, producing source files compatible with CPython 2.4 through 3.3. It works by producing a standard Python module. The difference from standard Python behavior however, is that the original code of the module is actually written in Python but is then translated into C.

Despite the fact that most of the code is being output in C, at least a small stub loader written in interpreted Python is usually required (unless you want to create a loader in C, working with messy undocumented internals of CPython), but this is not a major problem due to the dependency on the Python interpreter. Hello World[edit] Hello World in Cython The following code listings demonstrate the build and launch process.

These commands build and launch the program.