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Untitled. Grupo. Cartografía de prácticas musicales en Colombia. Papier colaboratif. Viendo Como Estudiante Haciendo La Tesis. Bibliotic2013. Trabajo Unal. Formas de transferencia del conocimiento. Articulos. Webdoc. Le : Webdocumentaires. Webdocumentaires - L'actualité en photos, vidéos, sons et infographies. Digit World Contest: UNESCO Secteur de la culture. It is open to museums, Foundations and even to companies or individual private web sites.

Digit World Contest: UNESCO Secteur de la culture

The Digit World Contest is a fair competition between web sites and not whatsoever a competition between countries, but between web-sites dedicated to arts and heritage within a same nation. It naturally offers a planetary increased visibility to the participants. Despite a real worldwide success with over 500 contestants from over 65 countries, we have recorded that the number of contestants is widely varying from a country to another. Prix UNESCO pour l'art numérique: UNESCO Secteur de la culture. Philippe Boland - Citas de Google Académico.


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