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Powershell Research - OpenFlags Enumeration (System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates) Powershell Research - X509Store Class (System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates) Represents an X.509 store, which is a physical store where certificates are persisted and managed.

Powershell Research - X509Store Class (System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates)

This class cannot be inherited. System.ObjectSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store public sealed class X509Store. Powershell Research - StoreName Enumeration (System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates) Specifies the name of the X.509 certificate store to open.

Powershell Research - StoreName Enumeration (System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates)

This enumeration specifies the X.509 store name, which also includes the type of certificates included. For example, My includes personal certificates, whereas Disallowed includes only revoked certificates. The following code example opens an X.509 certificate store, adds and deletes certificates, and then closes the store. Adding Custom Cmdlet Help for Providers - Windows PowerShell Blog.

A new feature of Windows PowerShell 2.0 lets you write custom cmdlet help for Windows PowerShell providers.

Adding Custom Cmdlet Help for Providers - Windows PowerShell Blog

This blog explains how to do it. (The topic will also be covered in excruciating detail in MSDN, but we don't want you to wait.) What's a Provider? Merry Christmas From PowerShell: The CodeDownloader Module - Windows PowerShell Blog. Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the net PowerShell lovers were wondering exactly what they might get Their readers were ready, their minds were aware That more joy of CTP3 would soon be there A cmdlet, a function?

Merry Christmas From PowerShell: The CodeDownloader Module - Windows PowerShell Blog

What has the PowerShell team done? How about a whole module, to share scripts with everyone? Some pluggable functions, to get code to share Scripts from Write-CommandBlogPost, from PoshCode, from Everywhere And what on the morning of Christmas did they see? Get-CommandPlugin - Windows PowerShell Blog. One of the nifty new CTP3 features is command and parameter meta data on functions.

Get-CommandPlugin - Windows PowerShell Blog

In V1, you had to parse a function yourself to extract the parameters. In CTP2, you could use the tokenizer API to parse the function, but extracting parameters this was is error prone. In CTP3, and in V2, you can actually get a dictionary of parameters on the FunctionInfo object. Check it out: Get-Command -type Function | Foreach-Object { $_.Parameters } Examples of Host Application Code. In This Section This section includes the following topics. This example shows how to write a host application that invokes a command synchronously on the local computer. This example shows how to add cmdlets and their parameters to the command pipeline of a host application. After the command pipeline is complete, the host application invokes the pipeline synchronously on the local computer.

This example shows how to add a custom host to a host application. This section includes examples that show how to invoke a pipeline synchronously or asynchronously. This section includes examples that show the different ways you can implement a custom host classes, including their related interfaces for supporting prompts for multiple choices and supporting interactive sessions. See Also. Writing a Windows PowerShell Cmdlet. Adding Parameters that Process Command-Line Input. The following sections are in this topic:

Adding Parameters that Process Command-Line Input

Cmdlet Development Guidelines. What is LightSwitch? Learn Lightswitch on MSDN. F# Developer Center. Visual C# Tutorials and How Do I Learning Resources on MSDN. Visual C# Developer Center. "How Do I?" Videos for Visual C# Writing a Windows PowerShell Host Application. Using PowerShell to read xml-files - Little more than out of the box development. Background Jobs. Cmdlets can perform their action internally or as a Windows PowerShell background job.

Background Jobs

When a cmdlet runs as a background job, the work is done asynchronously in its own thread separate from the pipeline thread that the cmdlet is using. From the user perspective, when a cmdlet runs as a background job, the command prompt returns immediately even if the job takes an extended amount of time to complete, and the user can continue without interruption while the job runs. Background Jobs, Child Jobs, and the Job Repository. Cmdlet Help Editor V2.0 with Module Support - Windows PowerShell Blog. Hi, I have updated the Cmdlet Help Editor tool to support Modules.

Cmdlet Help Editor V2.0 with Module Support - Windows PowerShell Blog

The V1.0 version of this tool only supported PsSnapins. The original post can be found here. Improving Parameter Set Design - Windows PowerShell Blog. Designing useable cmdlets is part engineering and part art.

Improving Parameter Set Design - Windows PowerShell Blog

It’s not an easy task to define the conceptual boundaries of a cmdlet (where does one cmdlet end and the next begin) or to provide great feature control without inundating the user with parameters. However, you can improve the usability of your cmdlets by avoiding two common parameter set design flaws. A parameter set with no mandatory parameters in a cmdlet that requires parameters Mandatory parameters with position numbers that are higher than the position numbers of optional parameters Parameter sets with no mandatory parameters Some cmdlets, like Get-Process, can be run without any parameters, so you'd expect them to have at least one parameter set with no mandatory parameters.

Improving Parameter Set Design - Windows PowerShell Blog. Designing Cmdlets That Have Lots of Parameters - Windows PowerShell Blog. We often get the question of what to do about a cmdlet that has lots of parameters.

Designing Cmdlets That Have Lots of Parameters - Windows PowerShell Blog

Do you break it up into multiple commands or just have a single cmdlet with lots of parameters. Here is the way I think about it: If you have to enter 100 things to get a job done, it doesn’t really matter whether you enter those 100 things via 1 cmdlet with 100 parameters or 10 cmdlets with 10 parameters each. If anything, there are a number of good reasons to have 1 cmdlet with 100 parameters including the fact that you don’t have to enter 10 cmdlets and you produce an abstraction which is much more friendly to being exposed as a REST API. Let me be quick to point out the trick – that is all about if you have to enter 100 things to do something.

PS> Get-Help New-PSSession -Parameter SessionOption -SessionOption <PSSessionOption> Sets advanced options for the session. The default values for the options are determined by the value of the $PSSe ssionOption preference variable, if it is set. PowerShell PowerBook. Description PowerBook is the Facebook Module for Windows PowerShell.

PowerBook allows you to use many of Facebook features and interact with Facebook via Windows PowerShell. PowerBook contain 24 PowerShell functions that allow you to do most of Facebook actions.