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Polyamory Blogs

Community Articles. Polyamory Weekly. Media Articles. Openly Poly. Poliamor/polyamory. Polyamory? Freaksexual. Miss Lovelorn's Advice. Ah ha!

Miss Lovelorn's Advice

Dave, now you get to the point...needs and meeting needs, need conflicts, with a dash of desparation... Welcome to Adult school, this is Incurable, Remedial Romance 101. I notice everyone is wearing all sorts of poly-logos. I myself prefer the one that looks like a Greek parrot being strangled by an infinity symbol with its heart spelling out, "Somemore someless somewould if they were invited". Mr. Information About Polyamory. Polyamory is the theory and practice of openly maintaining multiple sexual and/or romantic relationships.

Information About Polyamory

Stef's Poly Post Archive I'm archiving and organizing some of my writings from alt.polyamory and the triples and poly mailing lists. I'm in the process of converting the material to HTML files organized by content. Alt.polyamory home page. On Being Poly. Polyamory.