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Politique Étrangère

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Development aid and the fight against terrorism. The military intervention of France in Mali once again raises the question of the link between underdevelopment and terrorism.

Development aid and the fight against terrorism

Mali ranks 175th in the Human Development Index (HDI) rankings published by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Mali does not have the means to cope alone with the progression of jihadist groups. In this context, we suggest you read the article by Julien Serre entitled “Development aid and the fight against terrorism” published in the latest issue of Politique étrangère (Winter 2012-2013).Click here to download a full PDF version of the text in English.Abstract: After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the idea that development aid could contribute to the fight against terrorism has spread. Though the link between development aid and the fight against terrorism may not yet have been proven, it has not prevented some states from acting on this theory. 2001-2003: reacting to and structuring the security-development issue Julien Serre.

Barry Buzan : Asie, une reconfiguration géopolitique (en français et in english) The United States and Pakistan: a high-risk relationship. The American strategy towards Pakistan has favored goals linked to operations in Afghanistan without necessarily taking Islamabad’s interests into account.

The United States and Pakistan: a high-risk relationship

The army and the Pakistani opinion are therefore more and more sensitive to American intrusions in the country. A possible agreement with the Taliban in which Pakistan would play a decisive role could restore national Pakistani interests to a place of importance. Pakistan’s most pressing interests remain concerned with the growing power of India in the region. Article published in Politique étrangère vol. 76, n° 3, written by Anatol Lieven. The Tensions between US Afghan and Pakistani Strategy In its policies towards Pakistan, the United States has to deal with an acute tension between the short-term needs of the US-led war in Afghanistan, and the considerably more important long-term needs of US and international security in the struggle against Islamist extremism and terrorism. Pakistan and Terrorism. Institue for International Relations - Presentation.

Politique étrangère. Politique étrangère is the oldest French journal dedicated to the study of international relations.

Politique étrangère

Created in 1936 by the French Council on Foreign Relations, this quarterly was taken over and published by the Institut français des relations internationales — French Institute for International Relations — when it was founded in 1979. Open to world debates, Politique étrangère is the first distributor of French analysis for foreign countries. Politique étrangère is a long-term reference for academics, opinion leaders and members of civil society. It aims at highlighting all the key elements as to foreign affairs and offering deep analyses of today's international context. Each edition offers at least two dossiers about an event or an aspect of the international debate, as well as several articles deciphering the emerging issues. Editorial staff[edit] External links[edit] Institut français des relations internationales. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Institut français des relations internationales

Pour les articles homonymes, voir IFRI. L’Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI) est en France le principal centre de recherche et de débat indépendant consacré à l’analyse des questions internationales. En 2011, pour la quatrième année consécutive, l’Ifri est le seul institut de recherche français classé parmi les 50 premiers « think tanks » les plus influents dans le monde, hors États-Unis, et occupe le 3e rang en Europe selon le dernier « Global Go-To Think Tanks » de l'Université de Pennsylvanie qui porte sur 6 480 instituts implantés dans 169 pays.

Inspiré du modèle anglo-saxon, l’Ifri, premier think-tank ou « laboratoire d’idées » français,s’est affirmé dans la durée, depuis sa création en 1979 par Thierry de Montbrial. Il a ainsi vocation à : Indépendant de toute tutelle administrative, l'Ifri n'est affilié à aucun parti politique. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Missions[modifier | modifier le code]

Thierry de Montbrial. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Thierry de Montbrial Thierry de Montbrial en 2008. Thierry René Henri Magloire de Montbrial, né le [1] à Paris (Seine), est un enseignant et chercheur français en économie et relations internationales. Le blog de la revue Politique Etrangère.