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Subjective Atlas. Visualising Information for Advocacy | Visualising Information for Advocacy - Iceweasel. Infographics & Data Visualization | Mapping Arms Data - the trade in small arms and their ammunition, 1992-2011. Visualizing Palestine | Exposing the Invisible - Iceweasel. The digital age has profoundly transformed the way people find and share information. The Internet is enabling collaboration between activists, hackers and journalists on an unprecedented scale. This has led to previously unimaginable possibilities in investigative reporting. People are newly empowered to uncover hidden information, expose corruption and bring the truth to light. Through a series of short films, Exposing the Invisible tells the personal stories of those working at the new frontiers of investigation.

We explore their tools and methods and learn how they manage the risks of information activism. The project also offers a range of resources to help activists protect themselves and their work. We hope that Exposing the Invisible will inspire a new generation of people committed to transparency and accountability. New movies will be uploaded to our website regularly. This project would not have been made possible without our sponsors and all the people who have contributed. Maps for Advocacy, a set of Tactical Tech tools. How can advocacy groups highlight complex issues such as human rights abuses, protest marches and vanishing forests?

Thankfully there are techniques tools now available to powerfully represent these issues as maps. Tactical Tech recognised the power of maps in projects such as the Darfur Project and mapping done by ALTSEAN-Burma, and produced our Maps for Advocacy booklet as an introduction to geographical mapping techniques. QGIS project.

Free Data Visualization Software. LAND MATRIX. Public Lab: a DIY environmental science community. They Rule. The Info-Activism How-To Guide | Strategies and tools for digital campaigning - Iceweasel. Drawing by Numbers | Data visualisation tools and processes for activism and advocacy. Rise Project. The Rise Project. School of Data - Evidence is Power. Google Earth Outreach.