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'Revolutionary euphoria' in Tunisia fading, activist says - - Iceweasel. LONDON, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- A Tunisian human rights activist told Amnesty International a de facto state of censorship exists in the country nearly three years after its revolution. Rights activist Lina Ben Mhenni expressed frustration with the detention of Jabeur Mejri, a Tunisian blogger jailed for seven years in 2012 for "undermining public morals" through his Internet campaign. "Today there is no official censorship -- people can express themselves freely -- but they have to be ready to pay the price," Mhenni said in an interview published Wednesday.

A protest suicide in December 2010 led to a national uprising that unseated longtime leader Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali the following year. Tunisia's revolution sparked the wave of upheavals known as the Arab Spring. Mhenni said "a few months of revolutionary euphoria" in Tunisia didn't last very long. U.N. . © 2013 United Press International, Inc. Internet Censorship Worsens in Kazakstan - Institute for War and Peace Reporting - P220 - Iceweasel.

Comment: Draconian laws made for the press now being turned on web users. The internet, the only remaining platform for free speech in Kazakstan, is increasingly under threat. The authorities are going beyond just blocking access to critical media online and now taking on individual internet users. This stifling of free speech online is the direct result of a 2009 law making internet content subject to the same controls as conventional print and broadcast media. This means that the criminal offence of defamation – one of the biggest obstacles to media freedom in Kazakstan – extends to all internet resources including blogs, forums, chatrooms, personal pages and social networking sites as well as formal news websites. Sites can be shut down or blocked if they are found to be in breach of Kazak law, and there is a long list of possible reasons, including calls to take part in public protests, in other words to exercise one’s rights to freedom of assembly. Anti-firewall tool Lantern infiltrated by Chinese censors | South China Morning Post - Iceweasel.

Lantern, a software programme which allows internet users to circumvent government-imposed censorship, has been infiltrated by Chinese censors and partly blocked after the number of users in the country skyrocketed. “We’ve seen exponential user growth, so the censors have attempted to nip it in the bud,” said Chris Holmes, a product manager behind the US-government sponsored computer application. The software, financed through US Department of State seed funding, allows users to bypass China’s Great Firewall to access websites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Users in countries with free internet access can share a part of their bandwidth with users in countries where the internet is partly blocked, in a network based on trust. On Tuesday, several Lantern users posted on social media that they had lost their access to uncensored internet.

In a statement on the popular blogging platform Tumblr, Lantern’s developers said they were not caught unaware by the infiltration.

Data Caps

Osservatorio censura: Elenchi. Provvedimenti dell'autorità giudiziaria Alcuni siti sono censurati in seguito a specifici provvedimenti dell'autorità giudiziaria. I decreti di sequestro sono inviati via fax agli ISP, ma non esiste una lista canonica dei destinatari e non tutti li ricevono sempre. In genere, in questi casi l'utente non viene reindirizzato a un apposito sito di spiegazioni e quindi può non rendersi conto che il sito che voleva visitare non funziona perché è stato censurato. Al momento non risulta che alcuno dei procedimenti penali relativi sia arrivato a un rinvio a giudizio. È disponibile un feed ATOM di questi provvedimenti. È richiesta la censura anche del IP associato al dominio. IP futuri È richiesta la censura anche degli IP che saranno associati al dominio in futuro. Non ho potuto esaminare il decreto di sequestro. Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (ex AAMS) L'elenco dei siti censurati è reperibile sul sito di AAMS. Questa lista contiene 4818 siti.

Questa lista contiene 1356 siti. Watch the video the New York Times didn't Want You to See - YouTube - Iceweasel. What is ACTA and why it's a problem.

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