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Cuidados paliativos pediátricos en niñxs con cancer

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Support through Art for Seriously Ill Children in a Pediatric Palliative Care Home. Efectos de la musicoterapia en cuidados paliativos pediátricos. Ana Lucia Ccahuana Carbajal.

Ideas sobre qué aspectos o cómo usar la música en el acompañamiento de CP ojo: 35-37 – marielydeita

Arts Engagement Facilitated by Artists With Individuals With Lifelimiting Illness: An Integrative Review of the Literature. “It’s very humbling”: The Effect Experienced by Those Who Facilitate a Legacy Project Session Within Palliative Care. Introduction Through the process of legacy creation, an individual is able to develop a document, or work of art, that can serve as a record of their life.

Las experiencias de 5 facilitadores de cuidados paliativos en tratamientos que incluyeron a las artes creativas para la elaboración de "legacy objects" como parte del tratamiento de cuidados paliativos. – marielydeita

The creative arts are uniquely situated to help patients develop a legacy project while they face a life-threatening medical problem.

“It’s very humbling”: The Effect Experienced by Those Who Facilitate a Legacy Project Session Within Palliative Care

Previous research has demonstrated that individuals with cancer who participate in the creative arts receive an opportunity to learn more about themselves, gain pleasure and distraction from their current struggles, regain a sense of control, and develop stronger social bonds.24 Importantly, any creative art technique can be adapted to account for the physical limitations of the patient.25 Furthermore, it can also help patients work through the psychological issues that occur with a decline in physical function.26 This is particularly relevant as patients within palliative care often have to deal with a rapid decline in functional ability.

Methodology. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care for Children - Ann Goldman, Richard Hain, Stephen Liben.

Ojo: Chapter 10: Children expressing themseves (pp.100) – marielydeita