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Pearltrees for Android launch

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Pearltrees - Applications Android sur Google Play. US launch. Pearltrees Arrives On Android, Wants To Become The File Manager For The Post-PC Era. Pearltrees, the visual and collaborative library that lets you easily organize and bookmark information in tree-like structures, finally launched its Android app for phones and tablets today.

Pearltrees Arrives On Android, Wants To Become The File Manager For The Post-PC Era

The service started out on the web in 2009 and then came to the iPad in 2011 and the iPhone last year. Android, however, as the company’s CEO Patrice Lamothe told me last week, was always one of the most requested platforms, and the team also expects this launch to help it quickly grow its user base. Thanks to the flexibility Android affords developers when it comes to sharing and bookmarking, Lamothe told me, this platform is really the first one that allows the company to fully realize its vision of becoming a “file manager for the post-PC era.” For Pearltrees, this means that you can use the Android app to bookmark and organize content from both apps like Flipboard and the web — something that would be very hard to do on most other platforms. Pearltrees Hits Android, as it Prepares to Become a File Manager. Pearltrees is a content curation startup that we’ve been tracking for some time now, and today it’s launching an app on Android.

Pearltrees Hits Android, as it Prepares to Become a File Manager

However, there’s a twist, as the launch points towards an expansion of exactly what this service is all about. As with the Web and iOS versions of Pearltrees, the Android app allows you to create, share and explore mindmap-style ‘trees’ of content. So, I could create a tree of articles, images and notes related to a particular theme and then if you searched Pearltrees for that theme, you’d find my tree and related ones by other people. It’s a highly visual, logical way of organizing and sharing ideas and information, and the Android app benefits from the OS’ built-in sharing capabilities. Any Web page can be added to a tree straight from the share menu in your browser. A ‘post-PC’ file manager? Pearltrees overhauls its Android app as mobile adoption grows. UPDATE: In a previous version of this article, we suggested that the Android news was an update.

Pearltrees overhauls its Android app as mobile adoption grows

While Pearltrees was previously accessibly by web browser, this is the version Android mobile app version of Pearltrees. Pearltrees announced today the launch of the Android version of their content library tool, bringing all of the company’s most recent features and design updates to Android users. The French startup has begun positioning the app less as a bookmarks 2.0 knowledge management system, and has begun attacking the file storage market. Pearltrees: Visual Collaborative Content Curation for Android.

Pearltrees is a powerful application that allows people to browse and organize web content visually.

Pearltrees: Visual Collaborative Content Curation for Android

This “crowed sourced library”, started on the desktop web in 2009, became mobile in 2011 with the launch of the iPad application soon followed by the iPhone version in 2012. Pearltrees counts now over 2 million monthly active users who have collected 50 million pearls, the iPad and iPhone apps are consistently rated 5 stars and have been downloaded more than a million times.

Today, Android users will be able to access Pearltrees from the Google Play store, the application is free and there are currently three discounted Premium versions that offer privacy settings with 1 GB storage for $1.99 per month, with high priority support and 3 GB storage for $3.99 per month.The high-end version, currently priced at $9.99, in addition to the privacy control and high priority support, offers 10 GB storage, customization features, backup and encryption. Pearltrees launches Android app, makes leap into file management. Android users looking for a novel way to organize your information, look no further.

Pearltrees launches Android app, makes leap into file management

Pearltrees announced that its app is finally launching to Android phones, and the platform is adding some Android-like functionality. From the get-go Pearltrees will support 2,500 Android devices and 98.3 percent of Android operating systems, which is commendable considering the varying assortment of screen sizes and should-be-retired Android OS’ that are still in use out there. “Tiny” screen sizes for obvious reasons – considering the need to navigate through trees of information – won’t benefit from the update. With branches extending to and from trees and pearls hanging from or connecting each branch, we’ve highlighted its novelty before. Pearltrees looks something like a next generation user interface for managing those pesky and unorganized digital files of our operating systems. A second intriguing feature is the algorithmic smarts that Pearltrees’ engineers have baked into the platform.

@PealTrees launches @Android app that lets users collect, organize & share. Pearltrees for Android goes live. Pearltrees can best be described as a visual and collaborative library that allows users to easily curate and keep track of their favorite subjects.

Pearltrees for Android goes live

Earlier this week, Pearltrees for Android went live, taking full advantage of the operating system's capabilities across smartphones and tablets powered by the OS. “What makes this Android version so special is that it is a true file manager developed for the post PC world," Pearltrees spokesperson Oliver Starr told TG Daily. "The visual design lets contributors add, organize and retrieve everything naturally, while providing a totally coherent experience on every platform. And of course, Pearltrees, has always leveraged the power of its community for the benefit of every user. " According to Starr, the new version of Pearltrees acts as a powerful file manager for Android. "This key capability makes Pearltrees one of the most complete and versatile applications for the Android platform. " Pearltrees Launch Android Client For Online Collaborative Sharing. 20 best Android apps this week. It's time for our weekly roundup of brand new and notable apps for Android smartphones and tablets.

20 best Android apps this week

It covers apps and games, with the prices referring to the initial download: so (Free) may mean (Freemium) in some cases. The equivalent iOS roundup will be published later in the day. For now, read on for this week's Android selection (and when you've finished, check out previous Best Android apps posts). Crazy Taxi (£4.02) Sega's Crazy Taxi has thrilled as an arcade game, a console game and an iOS title. Polamatic by Polaroid (0.65) "The Polamatic app brings back the instant nostalgia of Polaroid pictures," explains the Google Play listing for this app. Tiny Thief (£1.99) Tiny Thief is the latest game from Rovio Stars, the new publishing business that's part of Angry Birds-maker Rovio.

Peartrees Brings Its Visual Content Curation & Discovery To Android. Pearltrees is a fairly popular web service that allows you to organize, discover and collect content.

Peartrees Brings Its Visual Content Curation & Discovery To Android

So far, the service has been available as apps for both iPhone and the iPad as well as a fully functional web interface, but had no presence on Google’s smartphone OS. That changes now, as the official Pearltrees app for Android has just made its way to Google Play. The app is quite similar to the iOS one but due to the freedom developers enjoy on the Android platform, it gives you far more flexible sharing options compared to the iOS app. Users can add pearls to their trees from just about any app, which means they are not restricted to using the app’s own browser.

The discover feature allows users to find new content that matches their interests to add to their trees. Launch Pearltrees and sign into your account if you already have one, or sign up for a brand new account using your email, Facebook or Twitter account. You start off with no pearls and one pearltree. App of the Day: Pearltrees. Finalmente anche Android può accogliere un titolo che era già disponibile per computer ed iOS.

App of the Day: Pearltrees

Stiamo parlando di Pearltrees, un’applicazione decisamente fuori dal comune che non farà altro che costruire una sorta di grafico che raccoglierà tutti i vostri interessi. Ogni persona ha dei propri gusti, ama ed usa delle particolari cose, ne predilige alcune rispetto ad altre e così via. Tutte queste preferenze formano una personalità che adesso potrete organizzare grazie a Pearltrees. L’applicazione vi permette di costruire una sorta di albero composto da perle che altro non saranno che contenuti digitali. Android Apps of the Week: Command Center, Pearltrees, and More. International launch. ポストPC時代のファイルマネージャを自称するPearltrees, やっとAndroidにも. ブックマーク情報をツリー状に視覚化するPearltreesの、Androidアプリ(携帯とタブレット)がついに出た。

ポストPC時代のファイルマネージャを自称するPearltrees, やっとAndroidにも

2009年にWeb上で始まった同サービスは、2011年にiPad、昨年iPhone用が出た。 CEOのPatrice Lamotheによると、Androidのリクエストもたいへん多かったので、このローンチでユーザベースが一挙に拡大するだろう、という。 Lamotheによると、Androidには柔軟性があるので、デベロッパは共有やブックマーキングを扱いやすい。 そのため、同社のビジョンである“ポストPC時代のファイルマネージャになること”、がAndroidの上で初めて完全に実現できる。 つまりAndroid上のPearltreesでは、アプリケーション(Flipboardなど)からのコンテンツとWebのコンテンツを一緒にブックマークして整理できる…ほかのプラットホームではそれは非常に困難だった。 チームは、Androidデバイスの多様性への対応に力を入れた。 Pearltreesはこれまで、1150万ドルの資金を調達している。 [原文へ] (翻訳:iwatani(a.k.a. hiwa))

» Pearltrees, un famoso “raccoglitore di interessi”, arriva finalmente su Android » Software. Pearltrees affonda le sue radici nel lontano 2009, ma è solo nel 2011 che arriva su iPad e poi su iPhone; Android è purtroppo, al momento, l’ultimo della fila, ma anche un passo molto importante. L’azienda ha deciso di puntare sulla compatibilità, rendendo l’app disponibile da Froyo in poi, e rinunciando magari a qualcosa in materia di grafica di ultimo grido, pur fornendo comunque un’esperienza appagante. Non è facile descrivere Pearless, che al momento è appena sbarcata sul Play Store ed è destinata senz’altro a crescere via via che più utenti la adotteranno: è presente infatti una componente social, che ci permette di interagire con gli amici e le loro preferenze, ma non è comunque un elemento essenziale dell’app. El servicio de curación de contenidos Pearltrees llega a Android.

Quizás recuerdes que Pearltrees es un servicio que nos permite crear árboles de contenidos, a modo de mapa visual, un sistema de curación de contenidos que dispone de opción gratuita y opción premium, la cual está enfocada a crear árboles privados y con funciones colaborativas para equipos de trabajo. Si eres usuario de este servicio, sabrás que hasta ahora funciona a través de la web y a través de las aplicaciones móviles para iPhone e iPad. Pues bien, a partir de hoy, Pearltrees llega a la plataforma de Android, lo que nos va a venir muy bien a los usuarios de esta plataforma. Y es que, desde ahora, en nuestros terminales Android podemos navegar por diferentes sitios web, y si encontramos un contenido interesante, podemos añadirlo a nuestros propios árboles de contenidos, gracias a la forma en la que Android permite compartir contenido entre las diferentes aplicaciones.

Además, esta ventaja también es aplicable a la hora de compartir árboles en otras aplicaciones y redes sociales. El servicio para curar contenidos Pearltrees lanza su aplicación para Android. La curación de contenidos hoy en día es algo esencial ya que la cantidad de información que diariamente se publica a través de la red es imposible de consumir, por lo que es necesario curar esas noticias para ver las que más nos interesan. Программы для планшетов. Популярное iOS приложение Pearltrees теперь доступно и на Android планшетах и смартфонах. Сегодня у нас есть хорошие новости для всех любителей Pearltrees, владельцев Android планшетов и смартфонов. Приложение, которое создано для сбора интересных вещей (Интернет контента, фотографий и изображений, заметок, приложений и пр.), организации его в виде дерева жемчужин и обмена этой информацией с друзьями появилось в Google Play Маркете.

Уникальная концепция, примененная при создании интерфейса Pearltrees, позволит Вам держать под рукой и удобно организовывать весь нужный контент. Собирайте всё, что вам интересно, создавая для каждой из вещей отдельную жемчужину и «вешайте» свои жемчужины на разные ветки своих жемчужных деревьев - pearltrees, каждое из которых вы можете посвятить отдельной теме. Вы можете пополнять свою коллекцию деревьями ваших друзей и делиться с друзьями своими жемчужинами. У вас есть возможность подключиться к огромному сообществу, состоящего из более чем 300 тысяч «любителей жемчуга», которые уже успели собрать более 15 миллионов жемчужин! French Launch. Pearltrees arrive sur Android. Pearltrees arrive enfin sur Android, l’occasion pour les utilisateurs d’accéder à leur site préféré depuis n’importe où.

L’occasion pour les autres de (re)découvrir le service de ‘social curation’. Je sais qu’un certain nombre de personnes l’attendait, bonne nouvelle pour les fans : Peartrees est enfin disponible sur Android ! Depuis 16h vous pouvez télécharger l’application dédiée au système d’exploitation de Google. [Interview] Patrice Lamothe, PDG de Pearltrees, annonce le lancement de l'application Android. Pearltrees pour Android. Pearltrees est une application très originale qui permet aux gens de naviguer et d’organiser visuellement le contenu qu’ils trouvent sur internet au moyen de perles (pearls). Cette « bibliothèque collaborative », créée pour le web en 2009, s’est rendue mobile en 2011 avec le lancement de l’application iPad qui fut rapidement suivie par la version pour iPhone en 2012. Pearltrees débarque sur Android. Pearltrees débarque sur Android.

Pearltrees est une application qui compte plus de 2 millions d’utilisateurs actifs mensuels et qui ont collecté plus de 50 millions de perles. Les applications de la pomme sont régulièrement notées avec 5 étoiles par les utilisateurs et ont été téléchargées plus d’un million de fois. 5 raisons de télécharger l'application Pearltrees sur son smartphone. "L'arbre à perles", traduction de "Pearltrees", est à la base un simple classeur, un peu comme les favoris que nous avons sur les navigateurs. Interview : Pearltrees lance son application Android.

Interview : Pearltrees lance son application Android. Apps Android: Pearltrees arrive enfin sur Android. [Tech] Les news à retenir: Pearltrees, Dropbox et la réalité augmentée.