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Roanoke Colony. Former colony in present-day Dare County, North Carolina, United States Lane's colony was troubled by a lack of supplies and poor relations with the local Native Americans.

Roanoke Colony

While awaiting a delayed resupply mission by Richard Grenville, Lane decided to abandon the colony and return to England with Francis Drake in 1586. Grenville arrived two weeks later and left a small detachment to protect Raleigh's claim.[1]:70–77 In 1587 Raleigh sent White on an expedition to establish the Cittie of Raleigh in Chesapeake Bay. The Hum. The Hum is a phenomenon, or collection of phenomena, involving widespread reports of a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise not audible to all people.

The Hum

Hums have been widely reported by national media in the UK[1] and the United States.[2] The Hum is sometimes prefixed with the name of a locality where the problem has been particularly publicized: e.g., the "Bristol Hum", the "Taos Hum", or the "Bondi Hum".[3] Data from a Taos Hum study suggests that a minimum of two percent and perhaps as many as 11 percent of the population could detect the Taos Hum and the Daily Telegraph in 1996 likewise reported a figure of two percent of people hearing the Bristol Hum.[4]:575 For those who can hear the Hum it can be a very disturbing phenomenon and it has been linked to at least three suicides in the UK.[5] However, amongst those who cannot hear the hum and some specialists, there has been skepticism about whether it, in fact, exists.[6] Description[edit]


Mysterious Deaths. Unexplained Mysteries.