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Self Awareness: Robotic Intelligence?

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Nine jobs that humans may lose to robots - Business - Careers. Robot learns ‘self-awareness’ Who’s that good-looking guy? Nico examines itself and its surroundings in the mirror. (Credit: Justin Hart / Yale University ) “Only humans can be self-aware.” Another myth bites the dust. Yale roboticists have programmed Nico, a robot, to be able to recognize itself in a mirror. Why is this important? Using knowledge that it has learned about itself, Nico is able to use a mirror as an instrument for spatial reasoning, allowing it to accurately determine where objects are located in space based on their reflections, rather than naively believing them to exist behind the mirror.

Nico’s programmer, roboticist Justin Hart, a member of the Social Robotics Lab, focuses his thesis research primarily on “robots autonomously learning about their bodies and senses,” but he also explores human-robot interaction, “including projects on social presence, attributions of intentionality, and people’s perception of robots.” Nico in the looking glass So far, no robot has successfully met this challenge. Self- Aware Robot. Positive Futurist - The Singularity: when machines surpass human intelligence.

What can we expect when machines surpass humans in intelligence; a point in time that futurists predict will happen by 2045 or before. Though it's impossible to forecast this far in advance with 100% accuracy, by combining predicted technology breakthroughs with present-day knowledge, we can make plausible guesses about how tomorrow's super-intelligent machines might affect our lives. The concept for the Singularity goes something like this: As computers become faster with increased memory capabilities, they will eventually develop intelligence comparable to humans. These machines will not only defeat us in chess and games like Jeopardy, but also will drive cars, write books, make decisions, and replace humans in customer service; and one day, they may even emulate consciousness.

These machines could then keep on developing until they surpass human levels of intelligence, a phase many predict will happen by 2045. J. This writer is amazed at how fast the future is advancing.