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Vidéo. Traitement texte. Traitement image. Sons. Open source. Découvrir. Cartes mentales. Blog et sites internet. 3D. Audio Graphic Video Multimedia Linux. AndroidArt is the world’s first website about Android applications for artists. If you like ArtistX please consider making a small donation or visit our partners websites. ArtistX is a free DVD which turns a computer into a full multimedia production studio It is based on Ubuntu GNU/Linux and contains nearly all the available free audio, 2D and 3D graphics, and video software for the GNU/Linux computing platform. It doesn’t need to be installed, and boots directly into a running system without touching hard drives. The files produced with ArtistX can be easily stored on USB devices or CD/DVD medium while it is running. After nearly ten years of development and more than ten versions, the ArtistX 1.5 multimedia studio on a DVD is finally here.

If you want to contribute and submit bugs/errors/suggestions please write to us. ArtistX is made by Marco Ghirlanda, a digital Artist from Italy ( A huge thanks to our hosting service Midphase: it just works. Format PDF, Acrobat, PDF/X, PDF Certifié, Prépresse, Web. Outils_numeriques_11318. Site du Zéro, tutoriels pour débutants. Technique : imprimerie, imprimeurs, industries graphiques, transformation.