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Classroom Salon. Projet-ether - Environnement de Travail Hybride, Elégant et Révolutionnaire. Nyu Systems Interface tactile multitouch écran tactile vitrine interactive, table tactile, support multitouch. Unbeatable JavaScript Tools.

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Mindmapping. Topics. Mockups. Take a second. Let it sink in. The first impression might be disorienting. There are very few interface elements on the screen. Start exploring however, and you'll find out that Mockups is filled with powerful yet only-visible-when-you-need-them features. Getting your ideas out should be effortless. Our sweet spot: the ideation phase Mockups really shines during the early stages of designing a new interface. Mockups is zenware, meaning that it will help you get "in the zone", and stay there. Mockups offers the same speed and rough feel as sketching with pencil, with the advantage of the digital medium: drag & drop to resize and rearrange elements, make changes without starting over, and your work is clear enough that you'll make sense of them later.

See what you can build with Mockups Download the samples above, or find more on Mockups To Go, our community-contributed stencils site. Designed for collaboration Your whole team can come together around the right design using Mockups. Two reasons: Open Exhibits | Open Source Multitouch Software for Education. KonnectUs cloud-based software makes easy cross-platform sharing a reality. Konnectus KonnectUs is a new cloud-computing software platform by SENSUS designed to make sophisticated networking functions easy and intuitive for users across a range of devices including multitouch tables, desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones.

KonnectUs “Natural Networking Technology (NNT)” empowers users to connect seamlessly across all major platforms – from Windows to Android to iOS. The new software aims to deliver a desktop user experience for key cloud-based services such as file sharing, social networking and location-relevant distribution of content. Additionally, KonnectUs APIs allow developers the opportunity to leverage the power of SENSUS networking technology through integration into third party applications. About Open Exhibits Open Exhibits is a National Science Foundation sponsored project that develops and distributes open source multitouch-enabled exhibit modules and templates. Open Exhibits SENSUS integration Source: Sensus. Kjing. To English version Un outil pour mixer le savoir : Pouvoir par des interactions très simples mélanger des contenus multimédias et les faire apparaitre sur n’importe quel écran ou dispositif d’un espace Cet outil se destine au médiateurs de musées, aux enseignants ou à toute personne devant personne réaliser une présentation multimédia devant du public Un projet réalisé dans le cadre des ateliers de créativité Museolab3 à Erasme entre le 18 mars 2010 et le 8 mars 2011, par : "DJing is the art of mixing sounds, VJing mixing videos and Kjing mixing knowledge.

" La tablette du médiateur affiche un plan de l’exposition, les différents écrans disponibles et de tous ses médias. L’ambition de ce projet est de pouvoir donner la main au médiateur de musée sur l’espace d’exposition pour pouvoir le transformer et l’adapter en temps réel. Il est testé grandeur nature à la Casemate à Grenoble dans le cadre de l’exposition XYZT d’Adrien Mondot. Pour toute question : ERAjs - Javascript library to develop Web applications.