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Guidelines for OER in Higher Education - Taking OER beyond the OER Community. Factors Influencing Participant Satisfaction with Free/Libre and Open Source Software Projects. Making OER visible and findable : Information Environment Team. CETIS has recently updated our guidance to OER Projects.

Making OER visible and findable : Information Environment Team

To supplement this, we’ve been thinking about how to ensure that your content is as findable as possible. There are many routes to finding the content released by UK OER projects, including through Jorum, Xpert and search engines. Myself and David Kernohan have drafted the following guidance to help projects think through the best ways to make OER visible and findable. Who do you want to be able to find your resources? How can you help them do this? Firstly, know what RSS functionality your platform offers. Considerations: 1. 2. 3. Imagine someone has heard of your project. 4. 5. 6. If they find your project website, they would immediately ignore all of your fine project documentation, your “about the team” list and your contact details. 7. 8. So, someone has found the resource, whether on your own site or a third party site. 9. 10. 11. The use of the downloaded or direct-linked resource may happen some time after it’s discovery.

Introduction to JIME special Issue on Open Educational Resources (OER) JIME Introduction to JIME Special Issue on Open Educational Resources (OER) Tom Boyle Learning Technology Research Institute London Metropolitan University Shoreditch Building 35 Kingsland Road Shoreditch London E2 8AA The OER10 Conference at the University of Cambridge in March 2010 brought together many leading researchers and developers of open educational resources.

Introduction to JIME special Issue on Open Educational Resources (OER)

This special edition of JIME presents selected papers from that conference. The conference had three main themes: Content, Communities and Design. The fact that there may be major design challenges in developing OERs has not been sufficiently foregrounded. The article by Tom Browne and colleagues at Exeter University on "The challenges of OER to Academic Practice" provides a reflective and thought provoking case study. A key issue for the success of OERs is effective embedding in academic practice. Concluding Comment Tom Boyle: Editor of JIME Special Edition on Open Educational Resources (OER) Reference. 36781698.pdf (application/pdf Object) Free and Learning in Barcelona: A Trip Report. I am fearful of writing this down lest I forget it.

Free and Learning in Barcelona: A Trip Report

Or that you will think I have something to tell you. You will make of this what you will; I have not the mastery to get it to click for you, at least not this way. But everyone has to start some place. If you are looking for consistency, look elsewhere. This gets messy. It could have happened anywhere. So, the first and foremost reason for the journey to Barcelona was the 7th Annual Open Education conference. The setting was out of this world - a science museum high on the high overlooking Barcelona. Still, like my mother always said, if you can't say anything nice... Open High School of Utah - I still want to dig into this further, to find out if the structural changes they were making to how they did education, how they related to students, was truly enabled by the cost-savings/openness of the resources they used. Edufeedr - Is it the mythical eduglu?

Sugar on a Stick in Chile Free Technology Academy - Martin Weller - Big OER, Little OER. Opening Up Education - Table of Contents. Media25163.pdf (application/pdf Object)

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