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New App Lets iPad Users Play With Real Live Pigs. © Playing With Pigs With tens of thousands of apps currently available for the iPad and iPhone, there is certainly no shortage of distractions to keep us smartphone-wielding humans entertained -- but as it turns out, we're not the only ones who could benefit from bit of beguilement.

New App Lets iPad Users Play With Real Live Pigs

That said, in hopes of staving off boredom in human and swine alike, a team of Dutch designers have created Pig Chase -- an app for interspecies entertainment that playfully pits iPad users against real-life pigs, who might otherwise only meet one another on a plate. Fox News Wont Air Wall Street Protester Who Humiliates Fox News - Media. Maher: Republicans Are "Running Against A Fictional President" I thought these things might be clues. The Utah legislature is in session.

I thought these things might be clues.

They're doing their best. They've turned down millions of dollars for health care. They're meeting with the teetotalers, the tea partiers, the pyramid schemers. They're meeting with each other trying to figure out how to benefit their own financial interests. They've decided that the prison should be moved providing them with more real estate deals.