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President Obama on Steve Jobs: "The World Has Lost a Visionary" President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have reacted to the passing of Steve Jobs, stating that he was "among the greatest of American innovators. " In a statement posted on the White House blog, Obama says that Jobs "made the information revolution not only accessible, but intuitive and fun. " He praises Jobs for his ingenuity and for changing "the way each of us sees the world. " "The world has lost a visionary," Obama said. "And there may be no greater tribute to Steve’s success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented.

" The statement is a moving tribute to man behind multiple computing revolutions. The full statement from the President is included below: "Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs. More Coverage of Steve Jobs's Death. Karlybader. Toy Story 3: Inception Mashup (funny) via @applegirl. Start. Mind Adapters, Not Mind Converters. You’ve just gotten off a flight, a solid 12 hours, 8000 miles and three iffy in-flight meals from your port of departure. You’re tired, you sore, you’re cranky. You’re also out of juice. You tried to spend some of the flight working on your laptop, and spent the rest engrossed in an marathon session of Angry Birds on your phone.

You roll your luggage and what’s left of your dignity to a row of chairs in the airport, scanning the wall for an outlet. Victory! You spot a telltale panel near the floor a dozen feet away, but then deflate when you get close enough to make out details. How many prongs does that thing have? I’ve found myself in this position more than once, though it’s not for lack of trying to prevent it.

Let’s call it Colin’s Law: the only type of connector not included in the Swiss Army Knife multi-adapter device you brought along will be the one you need. But it could be worse. In most cases, at least, if you’re able to get your hands on the right adapter, that’s all you need. Really? The Claim: Yawning Cools the Brain. Christoph Niemann The medical literature is rife with explanations for yawning, but one has gained substantial ground in recent years: This mysterious habit may help regulate brain temperature.

The brain operates best within a narrow range of temperatures, and like a car engine, it sometimes needs a way to cool down. To lower the brain’s thermostat, researchers say, the body takes in cooler air from its surroundings — prompting deep inhalation. Yawning is contagious. Simply watching someone do it is enough to induce the behavior. But when scientists had people watch yawning videos in a 2007 study, they found that applying cold packs to the subjects’ heads practically eliminated contagious yawning.

Nasal breathing, which also promotes brain cooling, had a similar effect. In a study of 160 people published last month in the journal Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience, yawning was found to vary by season. Parisian Love. Is this the future of Facebook business pages?: The Social Path. Recently, Facebook debuted a new "Timeline" approach to user profiles, which many early adopters have already started using for fun and experimentation. But here's the real question: If the timeline format kicks in for all users, will business pages be far behind? If the past is any indication, Facebook is fond of uniformity. New formatting changes typically apply to users first, then gradually roll out to businesses.

We're even seeing that this week, as Facebook quietly enabled larger photos and galleries on business pages, about two weeks after giving them to users. Here's an example of the photo change, which our client pages just received this morning: With such features already being activated for business, it's clearly worth discussing the biggest user change in the works: Timeline. The goal is to turn your profile into a sort of real-time autobiography. It's like public journaling. So is Timeline coming to a business page near you?