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Google Voice with OBi on your regular phone. Over the past few years, the VoIP do-it-yourself crowd has built — and shared with others — ingenious methods that give the trusty telephone greater power while driving down the price of its use. The OBi110 Most recently, some have focused much attention on getting Google Voice — and its free US and Canada calling and incoming telephone number (which Google has promised will continue to be free till 2012) — to work on any regular home phone.

Until now, Google Voice on your phone was doable, but only for those willing to dedicate a computer to act as an always-on Linux server hosting the open source Asterisk PBX (along with the FreePBX Asterisk GUI) and to immerse themselves in arcane configuration settings. There are several guides online that help the adventurous set up Asterisk/FreePBX and Google Voice from scratch (one of the best is published by the excellent Michigan Telephone blog).

In this how-to, we show you how to set it all up, step-by-easy-step. Here’s what you’ll need: A. B. C. OpenVPN - Open Source VPN. UltraVNC - VNC - Remote Support Software - Remote PC Access Service - UVNC - Free - OpenSource. How to improve your wireless network and boost its signal. 20 Myths of Wi-Fi Interference  [RF Solutions. The growing ubiquity of wireless devices combined with the advent of mobility applications requires businesses to be diligent in managing inference throughout their deployments. The many wireless technologies and commonplace electric devices already in use and newly emerging impede wireless performance. RF interference can be a major inhibitor to wireless performance, creating security vulnerabilities and wireless network instability.

This paper exposes the top 20 most pervasive myths around wireless interference. Myth #1: "The only interference problems are from other 802.11 networks. " There are a tremendous number of 802.11 devices out there. In reality, the many other types of devices emitting in the unlicensed band dwarf the number of 802.11 devices. Summary: The unlicensed band is an experiment by the FCC in unregulated spectrum sharing. Myth #2: "My network seems to be working, so interference must not be a problem. " Summary: Interference is out there. Myth #10: "I give up. | Unleash Your Router. How to Make a Category 6 Patch Cable. It is now not only possible but also easy to field terminate category 6 modular plugs thanks to the new QuickTreX™ QC-0808LB16-34 Category 6 modular plug which contains a new Patented Conductive NEXT Reduction System.

The Conductor Loading Bar is molded from a material that substantially reduces the affect of NEXT within the Plug Body. The conductors are isolated by plastic that absorbs the NEXT from between the conductors and channels it away so that the Plug can perform to Category 6 levels. When assembled onto Category 6 compliant patch cable it will pass all TIA/EIA requirements for NEXT and Return Loss. This will help your Category 6 channel maintain increased headroom to assure your network operates at its best. was the very first ecommerce website to offer free online tutorials for cable connections. Wow! As always, there continues to be Controversies over standards and practices regarding the use and making of patch cords, and UTP cable in general. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4.