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Naruto. I'm sure most, if not all, the people who end up reading this review have seen Naruto before and those who haven't are probably put off by the pure unadulterated hatred this and the more recent Shippuuden garner.


Okay, I guess "unadulterated" is a strong word but I digress.. In any case, before starting this review I want to point out that I haven't read the manga so I'm unsure as to what was or wasn't changed during the process of animating this story and I guess it's time to get the show on the road. *Also, let it be known that the infamous "Filler Arc" is not part of this review. Naruto is the story of a group of rookie ninja from Konoha (Leaf) Village, with particular focus on our title character Naruto Uzumaki and his two friends Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha. Naruto Arena - Your #1 Naruto Online Multiplayer Game. Pein's Jar of Dirt by *orangeraccoon66.