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Materials. RefractiveIndex.INFO - Refractive index database. Subdivision. Simmerspaintshop. 11479. Пособие по изготовлению нестандартных глобусов из свободно доступных материалов. Конкретная задача - глобус с детализированной картой субъектов РФ и крупными городами. Для начала вытянем с сайта Natural Earth все векторные и растровые карты. Что не пригодится - оставим про запас :) Карты на этом сайте в трех разных масштабах. Векторные данные представлены в формате ESRI shapefile, растровые - в тифах. Чтобы расковырять ESRI shapefile нам понадобится MapWindow GIS, бесплатный инструмент для редактирования геоданных и создания всеразличных карт. Загрузим в MapWindow необходимые слои: границы государств, крупные города мира и границы административных единиц. Удалим лишние данные в Attribute Table Editor. Таким образом у нас появятся 3 файла ESRI shapefile, с картой мира, границами субъектов РФ и крупными городами РФ. Чтобы перегнать их в макс я не нашел ничего легче утилиты ogis2svg (которая работает в паре с shp2pgsql).

Прога работает из командной строки, командой типа: Free Tutorials All. Finding the Camera’s Position Tutorial. Deducing the camera position and lens from a still image, but doing it “old school”. Though it’s a good idea to survey and capture camera information on a shoot, it’s not always possible. Also sometimes we are supplied with stock footage or already shot material and we need to find out where the camera was. Photogrammetry programs can help us with that but before we had them, it was still possible to do so using basic geometry.

There are a few things that are very helpful in visual effects to know about the camera used on a given shot. First what is the camera position relative to subject? I.e. – height from ground plane? Secondly, what lens was used? This information can be really helpful in setting up for adding 3D to a shot or even preparing digital matte paintings. What do we mean by saying … doing it “old school” ? You’ll need the image to be uncropped – to see the whole image area. Next is to find the left and right vanishing points as per the principles of two point perspective.

Making of Alien in ZBrush. I also used the Armature brush to build up the structure of the mouth, jaw and teeth. This brush, unlike Sketch brushes, allows creating free-form patterns. This means that the spheres does not need any contact surface, so it is the best way to create floating strips in the 3D space. After creating each form, I was switching among Bulge, Float and Move to adjust the size and position of the spheres.

Sometimes I also used CTRL + Shift + Click on the strips to hide the other underneath strips of ZSpheres, so I was able to work only on current strip. A similar procedure was used to create each one of the Alien's body parts. Of course, some areas like the torso and tail requires more detail and more work than others. Also some specific parts requiring most use of a brush over another. Marvelous Designer tutorial: Creating a bedding set. Creature Workshops: Creature Design Training By The Pros! Pushing Points | 10 steps to creating a spaceship in 3D | 3D. Designing a spaceship, if we're honest, is the reason a lot of us got into 3D. I know I did, as unfortunately I didn't have the sticking power at physics to become a real rocket scientist.

Making a spaceship is pretty easy, I could drop a cube into my 3D model, and tell you it was an alien battle cruiser from the planet 'spot', and that would be that. Making a good spaceship is the hard part. Inventing a spacecraft that people really believe exists and has an identifiable purpose, and above all looks 'cool', is where your talent and artistry comes into play. Here are 10 top tips to consider when creating your own 3D spaceship designs... 01. Nasa There are many ways to get 3D reference for your spaceship design. 02.

As with all design challenges, it is always best to respond to the brief. 03. Also bear in mind a spacecrafts ‘coolness’. Configuration changes for storytelling devices can be a great way to make your spaceship standout 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Want more sci-fi? Articulation Home Page.