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Download Overtone Analyzer. Music Magic. Sounds. Music Instruments. Visualization_Music. Audio. Mp3. The Sheet Music Archive free classical sheet music. CLASSICAL MUSIC ARCHIVES - CLASSICAL MUSIC. Music Instrument Learning Software for Music Teachers and Students. Main Page - lyrics from LyricWiki. The Official Site of Vince Guaraldi. A Few Words about Dr.

The Official Site of Vince Guaraldi

Funk By Derrick Bang Like most so-called overnight successes, Vincent Anthony Guaraldi -- who forever described himself as "a reformed boogie-woogie piano player" -- worked hard for his big break. The man eventually dubbed "Dr. Funk" by his compatriots was born in San Francisco on July 17, 1928; he graduated from Lincoln High School and then San Francisco State College. Guaraldi began performing while in college, haunting sessions at the Black Hawk and Jackson's Nook, sometimes with the Chubby Jackson/Bill Harris band, other times in combos with Sonny Criss and Bill Harris.

The Symphony of Science - Spreading scientific knowledge and philosophy through music. Resonata - a Wave Machine: Play with Resonance.