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Roger Dickey’s Hacks for Game Monetization. Roger Dickey is the creator of Mafia Wars, one of the most successful social games of all time, and learned game monetization strategy during his time as a GM of multiple games and international product advisor at Zynga.

Roger Dickey’s Hacks for Game Monetization

At our Money Talks event in San Francisco, Roger dropped some serious knowledge that showed how the leading social game companies maximize their game monetization. You can watch the video below, or read our cliff notes to get a quick overview of the best social game monetization strategies he shared. Betable - Real-money, monetization platform for games & apps. Welcome to the gold rush. Features - Virtual Goods - An Excerpt from Social Game Design: Monetization Methods and Mechanics. Virtual Goods - An Excerpt from Social Game Design: Monetization Methods and Mechanics [This text, on the crucial aspects of virtual goods design, is an extract from the ninth chapter of Social Game Design: Monetization Methods and Mechanics, by Tim Fields (Certain Affinity) and Brandon Cotton (Portalarium).

Features - Virtual Goods - An Excerpt from Social Game Design: Monetization Methods and Mechanics

In the book, the two authors closely examine how social games function as a player-responsive business.] Welcome - Flash Game License. Social game revenue potential, costs, and the keys to being success... Virtual Goods: Why & How They Work. Virtual Goods Summit - Global Perspectives. Virtual Goods in Asia. How to plan a virtual goods sales business model. Social Gaming and Virtual Goods. Managing a Virtual Economy. How to Drive Engagement & Revenue with Virtual Goods. Inner Workings of Virtual Goods Economies. Monetizing Social Games - RockYou at GDC. SERIOUS GAMES-A Sizeable Market. Games Analytics. How to make money from online games.