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The Next Debate - Education Fast Forward. "Touchons aux essentiels. Apprendre, créer, partager avec des téléphones portables" par Simon Ensor - Cyber-Langues 2011. Apprenant passionné et enseignant d'anglais «edupunk» à l'université Blaise Pascal Clermont Ferrand, Simon Ensor, se sert des réseaux sociaux, des outils de web 2.0, des téléphones portables et des bouts de carton pour construire des environnements d'apprentissage personnalisés, créatifs, collaboratifs, ouverts au monde. « Sans application, l’apprenant restera aphone dans une culture étrangère.

"Touchons aux essentiels. Apprendre, créer, partager avec des téléphones portables" par Simon Ensor - Cyber-Langues 2011

Sans implication, l’individu ne trouvera pas de sens dans ses actions et son progrès sera limité. 2011, un smartphone: chat, conversation, collaboration, création, construction, communauté, culture co-existent dans la paume de la main. Le téléphone devient «hub social» et modèle pour de nouvelles technologies, de nouvelles relations. Constamment connecté, le «digital native» n’est plus prisonnier de l’espace ni de l’instant où il se trouve, et l’enseignant se doit d’accompagner l’apprenant dans ce nouvel univers. Le site de son atelier : Son site : Papers on mobile assisted language learning (MALL) Photo by Milica Sekulic The International Research Foundation (TIRF) has recently published five papers on mobile assisted language learning (MALL), all freely available on the TIRF website.

Papers on mobile assisted language learning (MALL)

Each of the papers is followed by a discussion, which you can add to. Abstracts and links to the papers below – happy reading! Beyond the Classroom: Mobile Learning the Wider World (Ken Beatty) Mobile learning has extended opportunities for making teaching and learning available beyond the traditional classroom. Re-skilling Language Learners for a Mobile World (Agnes Kukulska-Hulme) Ubiquitous access to mobile phones and other portable devices means that language learning increasingly straddles classroom-based learning and learning outside the classroom, in virtual spaces and out in the world.

Some Emerging Principles for Mobile-assisted Language Learning (Glenn Stockwell & Philip Hubbard) Mobile Learning for Languages: Can the Past Speak to the Future? Blog posts related to my TIRF paper: November 2013. 12 Principles Of Mobile Learning. 12 Principles Of Mobile Learning by Terry Heick Ed note: This post has been updated and republished from a 2012 post Mobile Learning is about self-actuated personalization.

12 Principles Of Mobile Learning

As learning practices and technology tools change, mobile learning itself will continue to evolve. For 2016, the focus is on a variety of challenges, from how learners access content to how the idea of a “curriculum” is defined. It is only within these communities that the native context of each learner can be fully understood. 1. A mobile learning environment is about access to content, peers, experts, portfolio artifacts, credible sources, and previous thinking on relevant topics. 2. As mobile learning is a blend of the digital and physical, diverse metrics (i.e., measures) of understanding and “performance of knowledge” will be available. 3.

The cloud is the enabler of “smart” mobility. 4. Transparency is the natural byproduct of connectivity, mobility, and collaboration. 5. 6. 7. 8. With mobility comes diversity. 21 Android tablet uses: What iPad's competitors bring to classrooms.