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iThoughts. Mindo. iMindMap. CrowdMap. Curio. The Real World You have work projects and home projects, school classes to manage and book reports to research, vacations to plan and novels to write, web sites to design and lab results to organize. You currently use a collection of notebooks, your office whiteboard, scraps of sticky notes, oodles of browser bookmarks, and multiple documents scattered around your hard disk. You’re juggling it all, but organizing this information should be easier. A Better World!

In Curio, create a project to represent your real-world project, then fill it with everything related to that project including notes, images, documents, web links, and much, much more. Use Curio’s integrated collections, such as lists and mind maps, to organize all of this information or just place it anywhere on Curio’s freeform pages, which we call idea spaces.

The best part is you are in complete control over your idea spaces. Thousands of customers around the world use Curio in a surprisingly diverse range of occupations. Popplet.