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První solární cyklostezka na světě překvapuje vědce. Funguje lépe, než čekali. Na konci loňského roku vybudovali Nizozemci první solární cyklostezku na světě.

První solární cyklostezka na světě překvapuje vědce. Funguje lépe, než čekali

Jedná se o 70 metrů dlouhý úsek, který spojuje předměstí Amsterdamu s menší obcí Krommenie. A fully transparent solar cell that could make every window and screen a power source. Researchers at Michigan State University have created a fully transparent solar concentrator, which could turn any window or sheet of glass (like your smartphone’s screen) into a photovoltaic solar cell.

A fully transparent solar cell that could make every window and screen a power source

Unlike other “transparent” solar cells that we’ve reported on in the past, this one really is transparent, as you can see in the photos throughout this story. According to Richard Lunt, who led the research, the team are confident that the transparent solar panels can be efficiently deployed in a wide range of settings, from “tall buildings with lots of windows or any kind of mobile device that demands high aesthetic quality like a phone or e-reader.” Scientifically, a transparent solar panel is something of an oxymoron. Solar cells, specifically the photovoltaic kind, make energy by absorbing photons (sunlight) and converting them into electrons (electricity).

To get around this limitation, the Michigan State researchers use a slightly different technique for gathering sunlight. The idea - SolaRoad. Wouldn’t it be nice if our roads act like solar panels?

The idea - SolaRoad

And if we could drive our vehicles with the solar power generated by this? In 2009, these questions formed the beginning of a vision for the future: the large-scale generation of renewable energy with the sunlight that falls on 450 km2 road surface every day. In 2009, TNO was present on the innovation-estafette with an open invitation: ‘Dream it and join in’. The Province of Noord-Holland, road construction company Ooms Civiel and technical service provider Imtech accepted the invitation and now form – together with TNO – the core consortium that is developing SolaRoad: the first road surface that absorbs sunlight and converts it into electricity.

The ultimate goal is the realization of the dream that large parts of the road surface in the Netherlands will act as a large solar panel. Breakthrough Innovator Sten de Wit from TNO: ‘This could be a breakthrough in the field of sustainable energy supply.

Panely zachycující Infračervené záření

Recyklace fotovoltaických panelů na konci životnosti - TZB-info. Životnost fotovoltaických panelů je v současnosti odhadována na minimálně 30 let, v ideálním případě však může být až dvojnásobná.

Recyklace fotovoltaických panelů na konci životnosti - TZB-info

Panely jsou přitom zdrojem cenných surovin. Mladá polská vědkyně chystá revoluci ve fotovoltaice. Olga Malinkiewiczová se letos v květnu vrátila do Polska z vědecké stáže ve Valencii s úkolem, o kterém mnoho jejích vrstevníků i kolegů jen sní - vybudovat firmu opřenou o vlastní objev a porazit s ní konkurenci z Oxfordu.

Mladá polská vědkyně chystá revoluci ve fotovoltaice

Jednatřicetiletá Malinkiewiczová, kterou časopis Forbes nazval polským Edisonem, pracuje na revoluční technologii fotovoltaických panelů založených na vrstvě perovskitu, minerálu s výbornými polovodivými vlastnostmi. "Představte si, že jdete na dlouhou turistickou výpravu, máte s sebou smartphone nebo tablet a ony fungují i po pár dnech," vysvětluje sama vědkyně. "Jejich obrazovky jsou pokryté speciální tenkou vrstvou, která baterie dobíjí. Ta je vyrobená z perovskitů. Cheap African solar energy could power UK homes in 2018.

20 October 2014Last updated at 02:33 ET By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent, BBC News An impression of what a large-scale concentrated solar power facility might look like in the Tunisian desert Investors are seeking funding from the UK government for an ambitious plan to import solar energy generated in North Africa.

Cheap African solar energy could power UK homes in 2018

Under the scheme, up to 2.5 million UK homes could be powered by Tunisian sunshine by 2018. The company involved says they have already spent 10 million euros developing the site. A number of overseas energy producers are competing to bring green energy to the UK from 2017. The TuNur project aims to bring two gigawatts of solar power to the UK from Tunisia if the company wins a contract for difference (CFD) from the British government. The plan involves focussing the rays of the Sun on a central tower The company has gathered three years of solar data from the location, which it says has been independently verified. Continue reading the main story. Coming soon: 3D printable solar panels capable of powering… anything.

World's Largest Solar Farm Goes Online In California. Spray-On Solar Power Turns Your Car Roof Into Photovoltaic Cells. Researchers have developed a clever way to turn everyday surfaces into solar panels: Just cover them in a flexible film treated with spray-on solar cells.

Spray-On Solar Power Turns Your Car Roof Into Photovoltaic Cells

“My dream is that one day you’ll have two technicians with Ghostbusters backpacks come to your house and spray your roof,” University of Toronto’s Illan Kramer says in a news release. And it’s not just for the roof of your house. Spray-on solar works for surfaces ranging from patio furniture to car tops and airplane wings. You might even be able to use it to power your tablet. Kramer and colleagues developed the “sprayLD” system using tiny light-sensitive materials called colloidal quantum dots (CQDs). The name sprayLD is a play on ALD, or atomic layer deposition, a manufacturing method where materials are laid down in single one-atom-thick layers at a time.

Additionally, sprayLD was built using cheap, readily available parts. Read this next: Albert Einstein Told Marie Curie To Ignore The Haters.