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Content curator

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Building Thought Leadership through Content Curation. 30+ Cool Content Curation Tools for Personal & Professional Use. As the web becomes more and more inundated with blogs, videos, tweets, status updates, news, articles, and countless other forms of content, “information overload” is something we all seem to suffer. It is becoming more difficult to weed through all the “stuff” out there and pluck out the best, most share-worthy tidbits of information, especially if your topic is niche.

Let’s face it, Google definitely has its shortcomings when it comes to content curation and the more it tries to cater to all audiences, the less useful it becomes. The demand for timely, relevant content that is specific to our unique interests and perspectives has given rise to a new generation of tools that aim to help individuals and companies curate content from the web and deliver it in a meaningful way. These new tools range from simple, application-specific types such as social media aggregators and discovery engines, to more complex, full-blown publishing solutions for organizations. Comments(65) Are Content Curators the power behind social media influence? By Neicole Crepeau, Contributing {grow} Columnist Are you overlooking some of the most powerful influencers on the social web?

Are Content Curators the power behind social media influence?

Let’s find out. Traditionally, there has been a 1-9-90 rule when it come to creating and consuming content: There’s a new element in this equation, though: Content Curators — people who make a practice of finding content relevant to their friends and followers, and then sharing links to that content. I am making a distinction between a curator and an aggregator who pulls content from around the web, usually related to a specific topic, to display on websites generally to enhance search engine optimization. Of course, we’re all curators to some extent, consuming content and, on occasion, sharing what we find interesting or entertaining. ExactTarget calls these people “megaphones” and says: “Megaphones want to connect, educate, and share resources and information online with others.

ExactTarget’s research shows that only 7% of online users are megaphones. What Makes A Great Curator Great? How To Distinguish High-Value Curation From Generic Republishing. Today content curation is "sold", promoted and marketed as the latest and trendiest approach to content production, SEO visibility, reputation and traffic building.

What Makes A Great Curator Great? How To Distinguish High-Value Curation From Generic Republishing

But is it really so? Is it really true that by aggregating many content sources and picking and republishing those news and stories that you deem great is really going to benefit you and your readers in the long run? Is the road to easy and effortless publishing via curation tools a true value creation business strategy, or just a risky fad?

How can one tell? Photo credit: theprint. Herramientas del Content Curator. El Content Curator es una expresión que proviene del ámbito anglosajón y que ahora, poco a poco, empieza a calar por aquí. Desde el punto de vista profesional creo que los documentalistas tenemos mucho que decir en este sentido y puede convertirse en un futuro nicho de empleo para nosotros. Definiciones hay muchas en internet y muy buenas. Al ser la primera vez que hablo de este perfil profesional en el blog, he decidido partir la entrada en dos, primero tratando de definir al Content Curator y luego elaborando una lista de herramientas que podría emplear en su labor. Definición El primero en utilizar el término fue Rohit Bhargava en su “ Manifesto For The Content Curator: The Next Big Social Media Job Of The Future?

A Content Curator is someone who continually finds, groups, organizes and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific issue online. Volvemos de nuevo al tema de la especialización porque, ¿cómo si no iba a ser un intermediario “crítico” del conocimiento?. Manifesto For The Content Curator: The Next Big Social Media Job Of The Future ? Every hour thousands of new videos are uploaded online.

Manifesto For The Content Curator: The Next Big Social Media Job Of The Future ?

Blog posts are written and published. Millions of tweets and other short messages are shared. To say there is a flood of content being created online now seems like a serious understatement. Until now, the interesting thing is that there are relatively few technologies or tools that have been adopted in a widespread way to manage this deluge. We pretty much just have algorithmic search, with Google (and other search engines) as the most obvious example. The real question is whether solutions like these will be enough. What if you were to ask about the person that makes sense of it all? The name I would give it is Content Curator. In an attempt to offer more of a vision for someone who might fill this role, here is my crack at a short manifesto for someone who might take on this job: In the near future, experts predict that content on the web will double every 72 hours.